Development of a framework for good agricultural practices - FAO (2003)
A report on the concept of good agricultural practices
Zero tillage: A conservation agriculture technique of South Asia
An introduction to a conservation agriculture technique that increases productivity and conserves natural resources
Evaluation report on dryland farming programme
A document on the dryland farming programme
Reorienting Dryland Research in India: Students’, Scientists’, and Farmers’ Point of View
A research paper on how dryland research in India can be re oriented
Dryland agriculture: Improved techniques and practices
A brief introduction to dryland agriculture
The national symposium on system of rice intensification - Hyderabad (2006)
System of Rice Intensification, an irrigation method that has potential to save water and increase yields.
A collection of documents, information and links on the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) - WASSAN (Hyderabad)
System of Rice Intensification collection of documents, research reports and useful links