Report on the Rainwater Harvesting Mela event in Bangalore, conceived with the purpose of making it easier for citizens to access the service providers for RWH.
The February/March 2010 issue of SANDRP Newsletter features "Kerala’s initiative to desilt reservoirs: the Euphoria & the Concerns" and other articles.
This article is about Model's website describes the principles and techniques of self-financing, ecological, sustainable local integrated development projects for the world's poor in detail.
NWS has developed a self sustainable flush toilet system (SMARTSAN)principle where naturally-occurring micro-organisms are selected as a biological additive to the digester tank.
This article is about recharging groundwater using dried open wells, where clean rain water is made to enter the well, subsequently flowing to the underground water packets.
The article is about the need for 200ft deep wells in the corner of roads or parks, which help in harvesting rainwater and contribute to the urban water requirement.