Flooding in Pakistan: Updates from Earth Observatory
More than three months after floods first struck Pakistan, waters still lingered west of the Indus River. At the beginning of November, the high waters were receding, but only slowly.
Open courseware of national programme on technology enhanced learning A summary of civil engineering courses
A step toward enhancement of quality of engineering education in the country with new comprehensive course
A case study of Dongs – The traditional water management system of the Bodo people
Bodo people have used Doongs to support agriculture for centuries. Understanding these doongs and the people
A training manual on integrated management of watersheds by ICRISAT
Watersheds are natural. Human intervention forces the changes in ecology and management practices . The training manual provides an account for socio-technical aspects of watershed.
Gully control in semi arid tropical watersheds – A report by ICRISAT
Gully erosion is more difficult and expensive to control than other types of soil erosion. 4 million ha land in India is affected by its severity.