Briscoe on the Indus treaty - A response from Ramaswamy Iyer - Economic and Political Weekly
The paper supports and sheds light on the efforts made by India to reach a solution on water issues with Pakistan
India’s groundwater challenge and the way forward - Economic and Political Weekly
This paper published in the Economic and Political Weekly highlights the present groundwater situation in the country
The worsening water crisis in Gujarat - The Earth Institute
This post is based on a White Paper produced by the Columbia Water Center for the workshop ‘Strategies for Sustaining Water, Energy and Incomes in North Gujarat,’
Building the Tehri Dam in India - A video from EarthReport
The Tehri Dam was commissioned in 1972, promising to provide electricity to Indians in the Northern States, drinking water and irrigation.
Heavy Rains in Sri Lanka - Update from Earth Observatory
Heavy rains forced 120,000 people out of their homes in Sri Lanka, the Associated Press reported on January 11, 2011.
Compilation of 300 hands on field activities for community based adaptation
Center for Sustainable Development is pleased to announce a new compilation of Community Based Adaptation Field Activities.