Soil information system for resource management in Tripura – A paper in Current Science
This paper in Current Science projects the need of relevant and pertinent datasets to develop a soil information system for Tripura.
Tonnes of fish die in Kelo river, Chattisgarh due to toxic industrial waste - Update from CGNetSwara
Savita Rath from Raigarh says when people went to take bath this morning in Kelo River they found many dead fish.
Agitation on World Anti-Dam Day - No dam on river Pinder - Update from Ganga - Matu People's Organization
There have been continuous demonstrations by the people of the Pinder valley since January 20, 2011 against the Devsari HEP
Water management through communities in Uttarakhand - Neelima Garg
Since the beginning of human history, there have been wars over water issues. It is being said that there could be war over water in future.
Gramalaya, a voluntary organization establishes Water Technology Park on the occassion of World Water Day
The park has on display a range of hand pumps, miniature ground water recharge structures and demonstration models.
S M Sehgal Foundation awarded the “3rd National Ground Water Augmentation Award-2009” by Ministry of Water Resources
S.M. Sehgal Foundation has been recognized as a winner of the 3rd National Ground Water Augmentation Award-2009 on the occasion of World Water Day 2011
Rainwater harvesting in Bangalore - Article from Countercurrents
It's not yet full blown summer and Bangalore and India is already reeling from lack of fresh water.
MoEF reconsitutes the National Coastal Zone Management Authority
Whereas by an order of the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment and Forests number S. O. 1268 (E), dated the 19th May, 2009..
Coping with disasters - Himal Southasian Magazine March 2011 special issue
This March 2011 issue of Himal looks at what we in Southasia know we can change - and what we cannot.
India’s water sector: The performance and challenges – A presentation by Himanshu Thakker of SANDRP
This presentation deals with performance of India’s water sector and the challenges therein.
Tippy tap wins the "2011 DoGooder Nonprofit Video Award" for best thrifty video
A powerful video promoting handwashing with a simple tippy tap has won the 2011 DoGooder Nonprofit Video Award for Best Thrifty Video.