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Featured Articles
January 2, 2023 अनुपम मिश्र या हम सबके प्रिय पमपम पर पाँच साल पहले लिखा गया श्रवण गर्ग का यहआलेख है। अनुपम भी उनके द्वारा तलाशे गए तालाबों की तरह से ही खरे थे। अनुपम ने तो तालाबों को उनके दूर होते हुए भी खोज लिया । हम उन्हें अपने इतने नज़दीक होते हुए भी खोज नहीं पाए। 19 दिसम्बर को अनुपम की पुण्यतिथि थी।
अनुपम मिश्र, गांधी शांति प्रतिष्ठान में। फोटो - सिविल सोसाइटी, लक्ष्मण आनंद
January 1, 2023 Results show the impacts of agricultural productivity boosts in India can be highly heterogeneous
Buckingham canal near Kasturba Nagar, Adyar (Image: India Water Portal)
December 25, 2022 A study develops a prototype method by employing the remote sensing-based ecological index
rigorous post-implementation monitoring and impact assessment of assets is needed (Image: UN Women)
October 6, 2022 In an effort to inform the general public, especially citizen activists, policymakers, researchers, and students, about the current status of the Vrishabhavathi river, Paani.Earth has created the necessary maps, data, analysis, and information to drive conservation awareness and action around the river.
Vrishabhavathi river (Image Source: Paani.Earth)
August 9, 2022 Ensuring irrigation through farm ponds in tribal Chhattisgarh
Many tribal farmers opted for individual farm ponds under MGNREGA ensuring protective irrigation. (Image: Meenakshi Singh)
November 8, 2020 The National Hydrology Project has created a national platform for water data and is working to enhance the technical capacities of agencies dealing with water resources management.
Breakthrough cloud computing facilities and remote sensing applications have helped showthe filling pattern of a water body (tank or reservoir) through freely available satellite imagery at an interval of five days.  (Image: Maithan dam, Wikimedia Commons)
Water and livelihoods in the Nilgiris – Part II
The Nilgiris district is home to several indigenous people whose livelihood interactions with water have been shaped by the water flows themselves. The people, in turn, have shaped this landscape. Posted on 27 Sep, 2013 04:33 PM

Women of the Toda tribe Source: Google
Water and livelihoods in the Nilgiris - Part I
The state of water in the Nilgiris is closely linked to the land use in the region. Keystone Foundation, which focuses on the development of indigenous communities, analyses the current situation. Posted on 27 Sep, 2013 04:31 PM

Stream flowing through a forest in the Nilgiris
The comedy and tragedy of the Doddaballapur tanks
Twenty five cascading tanks culminate in the Naagarakere tank in Doddaballapur town in Karnataka. Once a source of water for the region, most of them are dry today. Can we revive them? Posted on 26 Sep, 2013 02:08 PM

1972 was the year. A massive hit, a landmark movie in Dr. Rajkumar's cinema career was realeased: Bangarada Manushya (The Golden Man).

With many melodious and meaningful songs, the theme was something close to one's heart - an urban youth returns to his ancestral village, takes up agriculture and works for the welfare of the village.

Doddaballapur tanks
Training course on 'Applications of handheld GPS for watershed & MGNREGS using Open Source GIS Tools', National Institute of Rural Development, Jaipur
A course that aims at exposing the participants in the use of handheld GPSs for planning, implementation and monitoring of natural resources in a cost effective, timely and scientific manner.
Posted on 24 Sep, 2013 08:03 PM

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National Institute of Rural Development, Jaipur
Gujarat farmers protest proposed nuclear park
News this week - Gujarat farmers oppose nuclear plant, drought hits Bihar and an eco-friendly Ganesh Chaturthi in Surat. Posted on 22 Sep, 2013 08:01 PM

Gujarat farmers oppose Mithivirdi nuclear plant

Nuclear power or people's power Source: Wikipedia
Government bans project clearance in eight critically polluted industrial areas
Policy matters this week - No more project clearance in critically polluted areas, Tamil Nadu government launches 'Amma' mineral water and Guwahati to get 24*7 water supply. Posted on 22 Sep, 2013 06:03 PM

No environment clearance in eight critically polluted areas

Effluent pollutes water Source: Wikipedia
Call for entries for photo contest ' Rivers of life- The Brahmaputra', International Union for Conservation of Nature
A competition that aims to showcase the unique aspects of the river and through it generate awareness on the varied facets of the river.
Posted on 21 Sep, 2013 08:14 AM

For details on the photo contest, please click here.

To register online for the contest, click here

The brochure is attached below for your consideration.

A tale of two STPs
In Lucknow, two sewage treatment plants ostensibly prevent pollution of the river Gomti but are they really doing their job? The photos tell the entire story. Posted on 20 Sep, 2013 04:51 PM

The venerable Imperial Gazetteer says, 'Viewed from a distance Lucknow presents a picture of unusual magnificence and architectural splendour, which fades on nearer view ...' (Imperial Gazetteer of India, v. 16, p. 196).

The only working STP in Lucknow -Daulatganj
Vacancy for the posts of Hygiene Program Manager & Partner Support Coordinator, Splash, Kolkatta
Splash's mission is to change the lives of vulnerable children in impoverished urban areas by providing clean drinking water.
Posted on 19 Sep, 2013 05:13 PM

For more information on the post of 'Hygiene Program Manager', please click here and for the post of 'Partner Support Coordinator', click here.

Invite to training programme ' Water Educator Training (WET) -2013', VIKSAT, Ahmedabad, December 12-20, 2013
A residential training programme for working towards sustainable development, to create and nurture a cadre of educators for better understanding of water and WASH issues.
Posted on 19 Sep, 2013 04:44 PM

The training programme brochure and the application form may both be downloaded from below.

For more information on Vikram Sarabhai Centre for Develoment Interaction (VIKSAT), please click here.
