Sanitation and Hygiene

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June 15, 2024 What is the state of tribal populations in the context of WASH indicators and access to WASH facilities? A study explores.
A rural toilet (Image Source: IWP Flickr photos)
October 20, 2023 A holistic approach to Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) initiatives
Shantilata uses a cloth to filter out the high iron content in the salty water, filled from a hand pump, in the village Sitapur on the outskirts of Bhadrak, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha (Image: WaterAid/ Anindito Mukherjee)
September 15, 2023 शिकागो यूनिवर्सिटी की रिपोर्ट एयर क्वालिटी लाइफ इंडेक्स-2023 भयावह तस्वीर प्रस्तुत करती है। रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक भारत दुनिया का दूसरा सर्वाधिक प्रदूषित देश और दिल्ली सर्वाधिक प्रदूषित शहर है। रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक पूरे भारत में एक भी जगह ऐसी नहीं है जो विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन के स्वच्छ हवा के मानकों पर खरी उतरती हो ।
वायु प्रदूषण घटा रहा है उम्र
July 12, 2023 A collective impact effort, the first of its type in India that provides informal waste pickers a chance to live safe and dignified lives, with particular emphasis on gender and equity.
Waste pickers and sorters working hard to extract recyclable value from the waste we throw out (Image: Vinod Sebastian/ Saamuhika Shakti)
June 2, 2023 Immersive research for safer sanitation in Bihar and Maharashtra
Children pose outside a toilet (Image: India Water Portal Flickr)
December 13, 2022 WaterAid India’s partnership with USAID and Gap Inc. benefits 2400 villages across 7 districts of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra
WaterAid has focused on establishing community-led water quality monitoring & surveillance (Image: Anil Gulati/India Water Portal Flickr)
Total Sanitation Campaign A toilet for every household
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AM

Poor sanitation and hygiene is one of the major causes of poor water quality, as  bacterial from human excreta find their way into drinking water or directly into our bodies through unclean hands.

The document was made by the Department of Drinking Water Supply, Government of India.

From erratic rainfall to vector borne diseases The many effects of changing climate on environment and lifestyle across the globe
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AM

Global warming induces an increase in global precipitation through the augmentation of evaporation. According to the IPCC, rainfall patterns are likely to be modified with some regions becoming more arid and others experiencing more rainfall.

Sustainable sanitation for all The GTZ ecosan programme
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AM

The GTZ Ecosan Program has developed guidelines for safe reuse of urine and feces, and publicity material to create awareness on the functioning of eco-toilets.

Government authorities and NGOs who wish to popularize the concept and its implementation can refer to this informative links for accessing IEC materials.

Total Sanitation Campaigns Ecosan drive
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AM

TSC and Ecosan's initiative to bring about sustainable sanitation in India based on technologically advanced and eco friendly approaches towards sanitation, involving NGO, Community and Individual participation. Read more

All things Ecosan: A comprehensive tookit on the subject
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AM

GTZ Ecosan Program ( has compiled ecosan materials from several organisations into a CD of capacity building resource material. This CD can be downloaded from this page in its entireity.

A survey of school sanitation in Mysore district 2005
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AM

The survey was done using a closed-ended questionnaire which was administered to key stakeholders including teachers, school children and sometimes the SDMC (School Development and Management Committee) members. All government and aided schools were included in the survey. 

Bacteriological quality of water samples of a tertiary care medical center campus in North Western Himalayan region
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AM

A study published in the The Internet Journal of Third World Medicine of bacteriological quality of water samples of a tertiary care medical center campus in North Western Himalayan region, more specifically in Kangra district of Himachal Prad

Baseline report Sachetana Drinking Water project of the Government of Karnataka 20062011
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AM

The Sachetana Drinking Water project of the Government of Karnataka covers 15 villages in each of the taluks of Bagepalli (Chikkaballapur), Mundargi (Gadag), Sira (Tumkur) and Pavagada (Tumkur).

The baseline survey covers a representative portion of the villages and families of the above and contains the following information:

Information about Jalanidhi : A World Bank assisted Kerala Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AM

Jalanidhi is the website of the Kerala Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency which implements "Jalanidhi", a World Bank-assisted "Kerala Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project" for sustained delivery of adequate quantity of water and sanitation services in rural areas in four districts of Kerala.

Water and sanitation in rural areas of Madhya Pradesh a paper by WaterAid
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AM

This paper was done by WaterAid to assess and understand the context of Rural Water and Sanitation programme in the state of Madhya Pradesh. This is a follow up of a desk review and explores the issue of water and sanitation in various dimensions and finds out that the current state of water and sanitation in Madhya Pradesh falls short on equity, inclusion, ensuring water security and sustainability of water sources.
