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April 18, 2024 As the demand for water from the Hindu Kush Himalaya region is expected to rise due to population growth, the impacts of temperature increases, and development requirements, researchers emphasise the urgent need to enhance scientific collaboration and rejuvenate existing treaties and governance structures.
Rivers of destiny (Image: Vikramjit Kakati/Wikimedia Commons; CC BY-SA 3.0 DEED)
February 20, 2024 This study predicts that sewage will become the dominant source of nitrogen pollution in rivers due to urbanisation and insufficient wastewater treatment technologies and infrastructure in worse case scenario projections in countries such as India.
The polluted river Yamuna at Agra (Image Source: India Water Portal)
October 16, 2023 अब वह दिन दूर नहीं कि गंगाजल की तरह सरयू जल को भी बोतल में सुरक्षित किया जा सकेगा और वह खराब नहीं होगा।सरयू नदी में पाए जाने वाले जीवाणु एवं विषाणुओं पर अध्ययन हेतु विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी मंत्रालय के विज्ञान एवं अभियांत्रिकी विभाग की आर्थिक सहायता प्राप्त की है। इनके निर्देशन में शोध छात्रों द्वारा अस्पताल में संक्रमण करने वाले जीवाणुओं की पहचान और उनकी एंटीबायोटिक प्रतिरोधी बनने पर अध्ययन किया जा रहा है।
गंगा नदी,गंगोत्री
October 8, 2023 While the current push for legal personhood for rivers is facing obstacles and is stalled, it holds potential as a viable long-term strategy for the preservation of India's rivers
River quality deteriorates as demand for hydropower to support economic growth continues to expand. (Image: Yogendra Singh Negi, Wikimedia Commons; CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED)
July 18, 2023 पश्चिमबंगाल पंचायत चुनाव-2023 में पर्यावरण एक बड़ा अहम मुद्दा बना। नदी और पर्यावरण राजनीतिक दलों के एजेंडे से कहीं अधिक आम लोगों के आकर्षण का केन्द्र बने।
पश्चिमबंगाल पंचायत चुनाव
June 17, 2023 सहस्त्रधारा-बाल्दी नदी के किनारे के धनौला गांव में नदी पर अवैध निर्माण गतिविधियों के मुद्दे को सबसे पहले याचिकाकर्ता मीनाक्षी अरोड़ा ने उठाया था, जिनका इस साल 6 मार्च 2023 को निधन हो गया। उनके पति केसर सिंह अब सहस्त्रधारा-बाल्दी नदी मामले की पैरवी कर रहे हैं।

सहस्त्रधारा-बाल्दी नदी पर अतिक्रमण,फोटो सभागार:- केसर सिंह
Call for Applications: Benefit Sharing in River Systems Capacity Building Programme
A regional leadership and capacity building programme for water professionals working with Civil Society Organisations.
Posted on 25 Jan, 2017 03:32 PM

LEAD India is pleased to announce a highly innovative regional leadership and capacity building programme for water professionals working with Civil Society Organisations (CSO's). The programme is focused on nurturing leadership for transboundary cooperation and related issues, both at community and regional levels.

Inform us about future hydel projects: Pakistan to India
News this week Posted on 23 Jan, 2017 08:50 PM

India should inform us about its future hydel projects: Pakistan

Chenab river (Source: Wikipedia commons)
No man's land
The state of the poromboke lands in Chennai signifies the deteriorating nature of its ecology. Saving them is important not just to preserve a tradition but also to safeguard growing urban spaces. Posted on 18 Jan, 2017 09:39 PM

From its rather benign origins connoting a type of land classification, the term poromboke has transformed into something grotesque over the years. This term had been in use since the Cholas denoting stretches of land reserved for shared communal use which cannot be bought or sold.

The Ennore creek choked by fly ash. (Screen grab from the Chennai poromboke paadal)
Acquired lands lay barren, SC questions states
Policy matters this week Posted on 16 Jan, 2017 12:11 PM

Why are lands acquired from farmers barren? SC asks states

Women farmers protest against land acquisition (Source: IWP Flickr Photos)
TN suffers the worst north-east monsoon in 140 years
News this week Posted on 16 Jan, 2017 11:50 AM

Tamil Nadu declares drought

TN farmers in the midst of a crisis. (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
State of rivers goes south
Rivers turn muck in many stretches in south India calling for action before they dry up completely. Posted on 14 Jan, 2017 05:40 PM

At a time when the government’s attention is steered towards the concerns of the northern rivers like the Ganga and the Yamuna, it is seldom that the polluted rivers of the south India come up for discussion.

Water-borne litter in Salem, Tamil Nadu. (Source: Parvathisri, Wikimedia Commons)
Maharashtra gears up for irrigation projects
Policy matters this week Posted on 09 Jan, 2017 10:14 AM

Maharashtra approves cost overrun in irrigation projects, set to complete Gosikhurd project

Irrigation canal from the Bhima dam, Maharashtra (Source: Nvvchar on Wikipedia)
States fail to tackle groundwater crisis
News this week Posted on 09 Jan, 2017 09:52 AM

A majority of states fail to stop overexploitation of groundwater

A well in Rajasthan (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Curious case of disappearing fish
Fish species are rapidly disappearing from Himalayan rivers. Dams are not the reason. Human activity is. Posted on 07 Jan, 2017 09:41 PM

Jaman Ram, a resident of Bhikia Sain, a tehsil in Uttarakhand, remembers fishing with his father in the Ramganga. “We could catch 80-100 kilograms of fish a day. That is no longer possible,” he says. Shafiq of Haldwani shares an unsettling memory of the Ramganga. As a young man on a holiday, he was paddling in the river near Marchula when the rock he was standing on shifted.

Mahseer swim in the bracing waters of the Ganga in Uttarakhand.
A water worried year in a nutshell
From river disputes to the failure of the Ganga clean-up plan and the interlinking of rivers, water conflicts dominated most of 2016. Posted on 07 Jan, 2017 08:13 AM

The year 2016 was eventful, to say the least when it comes to the water scenario in the country. The year saw severe droughts affecting 33 crore people across 10 states.

The Cauvery river at Hogenakkal, Karnataka