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April 18, 2024 As the demand for water from the Hindu Kush Himalaya region is expected to rise due to population growth, the impacts of temperature increases, and development requirements, researchers emphasise the urgent need to enhance scientific collaboration and rejuvenate existing treaties and governance structures.
Rivers of destiny (Image: Vikramjit Kakati/Wikimedia Commons; CC BY-SA 3.0 DEED)
February 20, 2024 This study predicts that sewage will become the dominant source of nitrogen pollution in rivers due to urbanisation and insufficient wastewater treatment technologies and infrastructure in worse case scenario projections in countries such as India.
The polluted river Yamuna at Agra (Image Source: India Water Portal)
October 16, 2023 अब वह दिन दूर नहीं कि गंगाजल की तरह सरयू जल को भी बोतल में सुरक्षित किया जा सकेगा और वह खराब नहीं होगा।सरयू नदी में पाए जाने वाले जीवाणु एवं विषाणुओं पर अध्ययन हेतु विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी मंत्रालय के विज्ञान एवं अभियांत्रिकी विभाग की आर्थिक सहायता प्राप्त की है। इनके निर्देशन में शोध छात्रों द्वारा अस्पताल में संक्रमण करने वाले जीवाणुओं की पहचान और उनकी एंटीबायोटिक प्रतिरोधी बनने पर अध्ययन किया जा रहा है।
गंगा नदी,गंगोत्री
October 8, 2023 While the current push for legal personhood for rivers is facing obstacles and is stalled, it holds potential as a viable long-term strategy for the preservation of India's rivers
River quality deteriorates as demand for hydropower to support economic growth continues to expand. (Image: Yogendra Singh Negi, Wikimedia Commons; CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED)
July 18, 2023 पश्चिमबंगाल पंचायत चुनाव-2023 में पर्यावरण एक बड़ा अहम मुद्दा बना। नदी और पर्यावरण राजनीतिक दलों के एजेंडे से कहीं अधिक आम लोगों के आकर्षण का केन्द्र बने।
पश्चिमबंगाल पंचायत चुनाव
June 17, 2023 सहस्त्रधारा-बाल्दी नदी के किनारे के धनौला गांव में नदी पर अवैध निर्माण गतिविधियों के मुद्दे को सबसे पहले याचिकाकर्ता मीनाक्षी अरोड़ा ने उठाया था, जिनका इस साल 6 मार्च 2023 को निधन हो गया। उनके पति केसर सिंह अब सहस्त्रधारा-बाल्दी नदी मामले की पैरवी कर रहे हैं।

सहस्त्रधारा-बाल्दी नदी पर अतिक्रमण,फोटो सभागार:- केसर सिंह
Living rivers, dying rivers:Rivers of West Bengal, Orissa & Indus system
The eleventh lecture in the series titled "Living rivers, dying rivers" was on rivers of West Bengal, Orissa and the Indus system,by Dr. Kalyan Rudra, Mr. Ranjan K Panda and Prof. Shakil Romshoo. Posted on 13 Oct, 2012 11:15 PM

West Bengal rivers

The Indus river (Source: Wikipedia)
Damaged rivers, collapsing fisheries: Impacts of dams on riverine fisheries in India - Article by SANDRP
THis article looks at the devastating impacts of dams, barrages and hydrological modifications on the fisheries sector in India Posted on 11 Oct, 2012 09:55 PM

More than 10.86 million Indians depend on rivers, wetlands, floodplains, estuaries, ponds and tanks for subsistence and market-based fisheries. Though the absolute contribution of riverine fisheries may not be huge in economic terms, it is a very crucial component in livelihood and nutritial security of the rural poor.

National register of large dams- A compilation of state-wise large dams in India by Central Water Commission
This document provides basic information on a dam, the technical details regarding the construction of dams and details of dams in different states Posted on 11 Oct, 2012 09:56 AM

This document by Central Water Commission is a compilation of large dams in India. It provides basic information about a dam. The document first spells out the meaning of a large dam, which is based on the height of a dam and also complies with any one of the following conditions:

Residents of Bhalaswa resettlement colony in New Delhi facing risks due to groundwater contamination, says a study by Bhalaswa Lok Shakti Manch and Hazards Centre
This study highlights the impact of solid wastes generated in Delhi on the surrounding environment including water sources Posted on 11 Oct, 2012 08:13 AM

The solid wastes of Delhi, the largest municipal solid waste generator in the country with a production of about 7000 metric tonnes a day is dumped at three landfill sites, namely Bhalaswa, Ghazipur and Okhla.

River and people on collision course
This book attempts to study the irrigation and flood control schemes that were taken up in the Kamla basin following independence and depicts how people have been left in a blind alley Posted on 05 Oct, 2012 05:11 PM

This bilingual book written in Hindi and English appearing side-by-side titled “Bagawat par majboor Mithila ki Kamla nadi” and “Kamla: River and the people on collision course” respectively attempts to study the irrigation and flood control schemes that were taken up in the Kamla basin following independence and depicts how people have been left in a blind alley.  

Voices from the Waters - The International Film Festival organised at Bangalore from the from the 31st August 2012 to 2nd September 2012
This article describes the details of the "Voices from Water" an international film festival organised at Bangalore Posted on 05 Oct, 2012 04:29 PM

History has witnessed World War I and II; will there be a World War III? Indeed, if there will be, it will be 'The World War III - for Water'. Can there be a second thought to this after the call for a Karnataka bandh on Saturday, 6 October 2012, in the name of water? 

"My Ganga, my dolphin" - WWF-India's initiative to map the Ganges River Dolphin throughout 2800 km of the Ganges from 5th-7th October, 2012
This article describes the efforts made by WWF India to conserve and spread awareness about the Gangetic dolphin among the local communities Posted on 05 Oct, 2012 07:56 AM

WWF-India, one of India’s leading conservation organizations with programmes and projects spread across the country, in partnership with the Uttar Pradesh Forest Department and under the aegis of the HSBC - supported “

Ganga Samagra Seminar, March 2013, New Delhi
Posted on 20 Sep, 2012 01:12 PM

Organiser: Ganga Samagra

Venue:  Siri Fort Auditorium
                  New Delhi

National water framework law – An explanatory note developed by the Sub-Group of Planning Commission’s Working Group on Water Governance for the Twelfth Plan
This note on the national water law provides an account of why a national water law is necessary Posted on 19 Sep, 2012 05:30 PM

This explanatory note by the Planning Commission on the national water law begins with an account of why a national water law is necessary.

Nectar of immortality: A film on the Kumbh Mela and its people
This film tells the story of the Kumbh Mela and the river Ganga when millions of people come to take a holy dip in the Ganga Posted on 18 Sep, 2012 10:03 AM

'Amrit: Nectar of Immortality' is a film shot during the Kumbh Mela in Haridwar in 2010. Reputed to be the biggest such gathering of people, the Mela attracted 50 million people.
