Conservation - Reducing Water Usage

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April 4, 2024 Tackling India's water crisis: A blueprint for agricultural water efficiency
Women working in the field in India (Image: IWMI Flickr/Hamish John Appleby; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED)
March 25, 2024 Best practices and tips to reduce water consumption from Bangalore.
Saving every drop counts (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)
May 16, 2023 For achieving real water saving through micro irrigation, a mechanism for water regulation and allocation is essential
Use of micro irrigation technology does not automatically result in a reduction in water consumption (Image: Anton: Wikimedia Commons)
April 25, 2023 पल्थरा एक छोटा सा आदिवासी गांव है, जो मध्यप्रदेश के पन्ना जिला मुख्यालय से करीब 35 किलोमीटर दूर जंगल में है। यहां समुदाय ने आगे बढ़कर जल प्रबंधन का काम अपने हाथ में ले लिया है और यहां न केवल वर्तमान में नल-जल योजना का सुचारू संचालन हो रहा है, बल्कि भविष्य में पानी की दिक्कत न हो, इस पर भी ध्यान दिया जा रहा है। यहां हर घर में नल कनेक्शन है।
जल प्रबंधन में आदर्श गांव बनने को तैयार है पल्थरा
January 1, 2023 Results show the impacts of agricultural productivity boosts in India can be highly heterogeneous
Buckingham canal near Kasturba Nagar, Adyar (Image: India Water Portal)
December 25, 2022 A study develops a prototype method by employing the remote sensing-based ecological index
rigorous post-implementation monitoring and impact assessment of assets is needed (Image: UN Women)
Thirsty crops drain India dry
As the country runs out of water fast, India needs to change its game for sustenance. Replacing water-intensive crops with sustainable ones in dry areas is a step in the right direction. Posted on 16 Feb, 2018 09:56 PM

Water is a crucial part of all societies as it has myriad uses. In India, however, it is of much more importance as over 600 million people make a living off the land. They rely on the monsoon to replenish their water sources and the unpredictable nature of rain leaves them vulnerable. Even today, the country breaks out in a cold sweat every time the south-west monsoon is delayed.

Paddy is one of the thirsty crops. (Photo: IWP Flickr photos)
Invisible water wizards
With government support, traditional water harvesting systems could be revived, upgraded and productively combined with modern techniques. Posted on 16 Feb, 2018 02:00 PM

India has long undervalued one of its most precious resources—water. Today the country’s chronic mismanagement of water has led to drought in nearly 2,00,000 villages. According to the World Bank data, Indian farmers use almost 70 percent of the total groundwater that is drawn in the country each year. Shockingly, India uses more groundwater annually than China and the United States combined.

Through SRDS method, monsoon rain is channelled back through borewells into the underground aquifers where it can be conserved for future use.
Harvesting rainwater effectively
An innovative project makes rainwater harvesting easier and more effective in certain areas of Mewat village with increased groundwater salinity. Posted on 15 Feb, 2018 01:25 PM

One of the major causes of deterioration of water quality is the increase in overall salinity. Total hardness and the presence of materials like fluoride, nitrate, iron, arsenic, and toxic metal ions determine salinity levels in groundwater. With the demand for groundwater growing rapidly, its exploitation is also accelerating which causes depletion.

The innovation was introduced in a government school building in Untka village located in Mewat district of Haryana.
What budget has for farm and rural sectors
There is a sharp rise in allocations for rural and agriculture sector in this budget. Posted on 07 Feb, 2018 04:31 PM

This year’s budget was expected to be extensively farmer- and rural-sector oriented. And that is exactly what it turned out to be. The distress in the agrarian sector has intensified and its political implications were rife this year considering the Lok Sabha elections are scheduled next year.

The budget has a slew of initiatives to revive the farm sector. (Image: Azhar Feder, Wikimedia Commons-CC-BY-SA-3.0)
New lease of life for three wetlands in Chennai
News this week Posted on 06 Feb, 2018 01:04 PM

CareEarth Trust helps restore three wetlands in Chennai city

The recently restored Narayanapuram wetland. (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Nispana summit ends on a high note
The third national summit by Nispana dives deep into sustainable water supply and sanitation in India. Posted on 24 Jan, 2018 03:09 PM

Sustainable water supply and sanitation is a critical area in India’s urbanisation drive. Various national initiatives are currently underway to tackle the current challenges in water scarcity, the impact of climate change and adaptation, the increasing demand in providing quality water and effective sanitation for the billions of inhabitants.

The summit gets inaugurated. (Pic courtesy: Nispana)
Open water data for integrated water science
Datameet and Centre for Internet and Society have released a prototype web app that allows users to access daily rainfall data from Jan 1981 till Dec 2017 for a watershed of their interest. Posted on 23 Jan, 2018 03:30 PM

Understanding water in all its forms in every part of the water cycle is vital to ensuring its sustainable and equitable management. Whether there is a scarcity of water or an excess of it, knowing precisely the quantum of water, whether underground in aquifers, embedded in the soil as soil moisture or in numerous lakes, reservoirs and rivers is vital.

Image courtesy NASA
Book Release and Discussion on ‘Alternative Futures: India Unshackled’, a book edited by Ashish Kothari and K. J. Joy
The book is a collection of 35 essays containing dreams, visions, and pathways of reaching a just and sustainable India.
Posted on 22 Jan, 2018 10:40 AM

Alternative Futures: India Unshackled is a riveting new book that brings together scenarios of an India that is politically and socially egalitarian, radically democratic, economically sustainable and equitable, and socio-culturally diverse and harmonious.

Alternative Futures: India Unshackled
A remarkable, first-ever collection of 35 essays on India’s future, by a diverse set of authors – activists, researchers, media practitioners. Posted on 22 Jan, 2018 10:39 AM

Alternative Futures: India Unshackled is a book that brings together scenarios of an India that is politically and socially egalitarian, radically democratic, economically sustainable and equitable, and socio-culturally diverse and harmonious.

Alternative Futures: India Unshackled
The 3rd National Summit Sustainable Water & Sanitation India kicks off in Bengaluru
Experts from government, NGOs and industry gathered at the Sheraton Grande Hotel for the two day summit. Posted on 19 Jan, 2018 09:52 AM

Sustainable water supply and sanitation has become extremely important due to the increase in water scarcity, the impact of climate change and the need for adaptation, and the increasing demand in water and competition among different usages.

National Summit Sustainable Water and Sanitation kicks off in Bangalore