Courses, Toolkits, Manuals, Guides and Handbooks
National rural employment guarantee act (NREGA) - a watershed works manual by Samaj Pragati Sahayog
Posted on 11 May, 2009 02:46 PMThis Watershed Works Manual for the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) programme was prepared by Samaj Pragati Sahayog at the request of the Union Ministry of Rural Development. It is meant for those individuals and organisations who will be involved in planning, implementing and/ or monitoring NREGA.
Earthen dams - a mulitmedia course
Posted on 11 May, 2009 01:22 PMEarthen dams are a very common and cost-effective watershed intervention. This multimedia course gives an understanding of the principles of earthen dams, the types of earthen dams and the parameters to be considered in their construction. It goes into the detail of the steps to be followed in constructing these dams.
System of rice intensification (SRI): a training booklet from WASSAN
Posted on 02 May, 2009 11:29 AMSystem of rice intensification (SRI) is a improved method of rice cultivation that was developed in 1983 in Madagascar and has now spread to many parts of the world. There is a notion that what has been done in research plots and by scientists is modern and desirable.
System of rice intensification (SRI) practices: a multimedia toolkit from World Bank Institute
Posted on 02 May, 2009 11:19 AMThe World Bank Institute has developed this multimedia toolkit in two parts, to help disseminate information and create awareness about SRI.
Part A: Improving rice productivity and achieving water savings (12 minutes)
AquaCrop: A crop water productivity simulation model from Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
Posted on 02 May, 2009 11:04 AMAquaCrop is a crop water productivity simulation model, developed by the water unit at the FAO, to simulate yield response to water of several herbaceous crops, and is particularly suited to make decisions, in conditions where water is a key limiting factor in crop production.
Basic course from water-research.net on hardness of water and its health impacts, water testing for bacteria, coliform, nuisance bacteria, viruses and pathogens in drinking water
Posted on 01 May, 2009 02:18 PMHardness of water
Training module on water quality monitoring and surveillance by Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission
Posted on 01 May, 2009 02:05 PMTraining module at block level
Water and livelihoods: system of rice intensification (SRI) in large irrigation projects in Andhra Pradesh (2007) – A booklet by Jalaspandana
Posted on 01 May, 2009 12:07 PMThis booklet titled “Water and livelihoods - SRI in large irrigation projects in Andhra Pradesh” details the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) method of paddy cultivation carried out by JalaSpandana in Rajolibanda Diversion Scheme, Priyadharshini Jurala Project and Kurnool Cuddapah Canal in Krishna Basin in Andhra Pradesh.
Right to water and sanitation - a manual by Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and United Nations Human Settlements Programme
Posted on 01 May, 2009 11:34 AMAccess to water and sanitation is necessary for health, education, economic development and the environment. The international community has committed to meeting the Millennium Development Goal of halving, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation.
Roofwater harvesting: a handbook for practitioners by the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre
Posted on 01 May, 2009 09:07 AMThis handbook on roofwater harvesting by the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre has been written to assist NGO and government staff responsible for implementing domestic roofwater harvesting systems or programmes. It is also meant to serve as a source of material for rainwater harvesting associations preparing national design guidelines in local languages.