Nepal Himalayas

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Report of Working Group to advise Water Quality Assessment Authority on the minimum flows in the rivers
This report outlines the principles behind environmental flow assessments, provides a description of methods and highlights the features that ensure these flows Posted on 10 Dec, 2010 10:16 PM

This report of the Working Group to advise Water Quality Assessment Authority (WQAA) on the minimum flows in the rivers outlines the principles behind environmental flow assessments, provides a description of methods that have been used to assist with such assessments, and highlights the features that will increase the chance of successful implementation of environmental flows. 

The neocolonial path to power - Article in the Himal Southasian
Nepal’s power sector based on capacity- building to meet the needs of its own commerce and industry is far from perfect, but it is a better long-term bet than Bhutan’s much- touted model. Posted on 13 Aug, 2010 10:15 AM

This is a translation from the Nepali of an article that first appeared in Nepal magazine on 11 July 2010. Dipak Gyawali is member of the panel of experts reviewing the Mekong River Commission’s Basin Development Plan and vice-chair of the technical committee of the UN’s World Water Assessment Programme. He was Nepal’s Minister for Water Resources during 2002-03.


Many Nepalis would be shocked to hear that Bhutan will face load- shedding from the coming winter. The citizens of Nepal have, after all, been told for decades that Bhutan has done a great job of developing hydroelectricity, that it has earned significant money by exporting electricity to India, and thus it has been able to achieve the highest per capita income in Southasia. Conversely, Nepal has been ridiculed for wallowing in ‘empty nationalism’ and stirring ‘needless’ controversies over the Mahakali Treaty of 1996 (for water sharing on the Mahakali River) as well as hydropower projects such as the West Seti, both of which involve export of electricity to India.

Relevance of Meltwater in River Basin Hydrology
Much talked about disappearing Himalayan glaciers, little is done and more is debated. In this ongoing discourse, we lose the rate of river flows. Seeking facts... Posted on 23 Jul, 2010 10:53 PM

peer paper in Science Magazine focuses on the core of a riverine system, the upstream basin, and its impact on the entire river basin.

The Himalayan glaciers controversy - An article in Ground Report India
The article covers the four different aspects of the Himalayan glaciers controversy which had its origin in IPCC, 2007 report. Posted on 01 Mar, 2010 03:36 PM

Ground Report India

A huge controversy has been generated in recent days over the much quoted lines in the IPCC’s 2007 report: “Glaciers in the Himalaya are receding faster than in any part of the world and, if the present rate continues, the likelihood of them disappearing by the year 2035 and perhaps sooner is very high if the Earth keeps warming at the current rate” (Working Group 2, page 493). We do need to question how a statement of such magnitude, without peer review, made its way into the IPCC report. That it was discovered,externally, more than two years later raises concerns about both the mindset and the weakness of the processes of the IPCC in checking and correcting information they collate, information that is so vital in the global debate. However, to question the credibility of the science of the global warming, supported as it is by a wealth of empirical evidence, or to question IPCC’s work, as is happening in some quarters, is gross exaggeration and sometimes driven by dubious and malafide intentions.

Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) - The Himalayan tsunami in a village in Nepal
A first hand account of Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) in Dudh Kosi in the Himalayas Posted on 29 Dec, 2009 04:47 PM

It was an uncharacteristically sunny day for the monsoon, with blindingly clear skies. Namgye Chumbi was weeding his potato garden in Phakding by the Dudh Kosi on the morning of 4 August 1985.

There weren't too many trekkers on the trail. The Dudh Kosi was tumbling noisily over boulders nearby. Around two in the afternoon, the river went quiet. Namgye sensed danger.

"I noticed that the white water had turned muddy brown, and in the distance I heard a thundering sound like an approaching helicopter," recalls the 50-year-old farmer. "I looked upstream and saw this huge wall of dark brown water approaching very fast."

Quick reference: Climate change impacts on freshwater ecosystems in the Himalayas (CCIFEH)
Climate change impacts on freshwater ecosystems in the Himalayas (CCIFEH) is a joint initiative of WWF-India and WWF Nepal, funded by WWF-The Netherlands. Posted on 26 Aug, 2009 04:01 PM

The programme entails a panorama of actions working towards understanding future climate change impacts on Himalayan river ecosystems and vulnerable communities for the development of adaptation strategies; implementation of pilot sites; and raising the awareness of climate change impacts on Himalayan river basins, in addition to urging specific adaptation strategie

Glacier lake outburst floods: Wrecking havoc to life and property in the Himalayan region
A glacier lake outburst flood (GLOF) is caused when the glacial lakes burst their banks and cause widespread floods. In the past two decades there have been a number of glacier lake outburst floods. The increase in the melting of glaciers have led to this phenomenon. Posted on 26 Aug, 2009 03:47 PM

These floods cause havoc with human life, flora and fauna of the area and the infrastructure in the region.

The Dig Tosho Glacier lake outburst in August 1985, destroyed the nearly completed Namche hydropower plant and all the rails, roads, and other infrastructure in its course.

Impact of climate change on the Himalayan glaciers
40% reduction has occurred in the Himalayan glaciers in the last 40 years. 67% of the glaciers have retreated in the last decade. Gangotri is retreating at the rate of 28 m per year. Global warming and its consequent melting of glaciers would result in floods, fast and furious run-offs, erosion of the topsoil and sedimentation of the rivers. This could also lead to changes in the course of the rivers in the region. Posted on 26 Aug, 2009 03:30 PM

The Himalayas' permanent ice cover is around 97,000 with 12,930 volume of ice and snow: 10-20 % are covered by glaciers and 30-40% are seasonal snowfalls. The Himalayan streams and rivers are fed by the melting of snow and ice of approximately 500 / year.

How changing climate and melting glaciers affects nations across the globe: Spotlight on the Himalayas
In the next decade, the Himalayas are projected to suffer from devastating Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs) and landslides - Is climate change the culprit? Posted on 25 Aug, 2009 05:11 PM

As observed by the United Nations Environment Program (GRID-Arendal) ice and snow are major components of the climate system. That is why human induced climate change can be first observed in Polar Regions where most of Earth's snow and ice are concentrated. In these areas global warming induces the progressive melting of ice and snow.
