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And the 2014 UN ‘Water for Life’ award goes to …
... IWMI-Tata Water Policy Program, a project that focuses on water and energy, and throws light on how the fortunes of groundwater and energy economies are intertwined. Posted on 31 Mar, 2014 09:52 PM

IWMI-Tata Water Policy Program (ITP), a project that focusses on policy research in the co-management of energy & groundwater, has been awarded the 2014 UN ‘Water for life’ award!

Project leader Tushaar Shah with the award
Their land lost to a dam, 2,000 farmers take to fishing -- in cages
The rush for caged fish culture of one variety has created a glut in the market, crashing prices. How will the farmer-fishermen cope? Posted on 25 Mar, 2014 08:28 PM

The Chandil dam reservoir is located 30 kms from Jamshedpur on the Subernarekha river in Jharkhand. While this dam is a 'tourist hotspot', its construction has resulted in the displacement of more than 20,000 families from 116 surrounding villages. “We lost our farmlands because of the project and now, to support our families, we have to take any job available", says Narayan Gope. 

Modular cages used for cage culture in Chandil
The key to successfully managing groundwater in India
Dr.Himanshu Kulkarni who was Chairman Working Group on Sustainable Groundwater Management for the 12th Plan, suggests measures to mitigate the poor groundwater scenario in the country. Posted on 23 Mar, 2014 10:47 PM

Dr. Himanshu Kulkarni is the Executive Director of the Advanced Center for Water Resources Development and Management (ACWADAM), a non-profit organisation in Pune. It is a premier education and research institution, which facilitates work on groundwater management through action research programmes and training.

A study group observing groundwater in a well
Submissions invited for 'Compendium on Innovations and Best Practices in Managing Water for Sustainable Water Supply, Sanitation and Irrigation Services', SuGWM and Vrutti
Selected innovations and best practices on managing water for sustainable water supply, sanitation and irrigation services across India will be bought out as an compendium for wider dissemination.
Posted on 21 Mar, 2014 02:55 PM

Sustainable Ground Water Management (SuGWM) & Vrutti are inviting 'Innovations and Best practices in Managing Water for Sustainable Water Supply, Sanitation and Irrigation Services'.

Water - not a gender-neutral resource
Generalization and mere quotas for women will not solve this gender bias. Involvement and empowerment of women are necessary for initiatives to succeed in the water sector. Posted on 19 Mar, 2014 10:46 PM

Water is not ‘gender-neutral’, especially in India. It is the woman of the house who walks an average of 6 km each day to collect water for household use. In the Kumaon region, a newly married bride visits the family spring to fetch water a day after the wedding, in a symbolic tradition of water responsibility.

Women & water ( Source: Arghyam)
An 'Umbrella' for sustainable growth
The cultivation of medicinal plants, eco-tourism and support of rural produce, which focus on livelihood improvements, are some options for an environmentally sustainable community. Posted on 16 Mar, 2014 11:11 PM

The dependence on natural resources is ever increasing, and so is the need to manage it better. Rural communities are relatively more dependent on crucial natural resources such as land, water and forest, the exploitation of which directly affects their livelihood.

Marginal farmers cultivating vegetables in Erode
Managing tanks - a bottom-up approach
Governance by the government must give way to governance by the community if we are to preserve the tanks of Tamil Nadu, which are fast disappearing. Posted on 12 Mar, 2014 10:31 AM

Our day-to-day dependence on fresh water is tremendous, whether for domestic or agricultural use. Theoretically, we know that it is a finite resource and that it can't be taken for granted but in practice, we do. India has an average rainfall of around 1150 mm but lets out nearly 1263 billion cubic metres of water into the sea unutilized. 

Chengalpattu Eri
Shifting cultivation for a changing climate
The 'Jhum' farming system has been criticized as an environmentally unsustainable practice but do the strengths of the system offer a better chance in the wake of a changing climate? Posted on 12 Mar, 2014 10:07 AM

Shifting cultivation, locally called 'Jhum', is a widely practiced system of crop cultivation among the indigenous communities of Northeast India. While it is generally contested as a destructive method of farming, it is also argued that the system lends itself as much more than just a farming practice.

Jhum farmer sifting rice
Invite to the talk on 'Climate & Ecological Crisis: Why Capitalism cannot solve the problem?' by Pablo Solon, Centre for Marxist Studies (CMS), New Delhi
CMS invites you to the talk by Pablo Solon on 'Climate & Ecological Crisis: Why Capitalism cannot solve the problem?', at USO House in New Delhi.
Posted on 11 Mar, 2014 12:30 PM

Venue: USO House, USO Road, Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi - 110067
Ph : 26561103/26857276/26525146

Climate & Ecological Crisis
Integrated Farm Development: A user guide
This user manual on Integrated Farm Development by MYRADA is based on experiences at their farms. It will help extended functionaries, NGOs and farming communities adopt this practice effectively. Posted on 08 Mar, 2014 10:29 AM

Integrated Farm Development (IFD) is an innovative concept in farming where various resources (farm waste) are integrated and utilised in order to reap maximum benefits. 

Integrated farm development: A user guide (Source: Seetha Gopalakrishnan, IWP)