Research Papers

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Longitudinal bacteriological study of drinking water quality in rural western Maharashtra and its effects on changes in local drinking water management practices
The study was conducted with an aim to check bacteriological quality of rural water supply in western Maharashtra Posted on 13 Aug, 2009 12:51 PM

This longitudinal study was undertaken by The Foundation for Medical Research and The Foundation for Research in Community Health in the Parinche valley in Purandar block (Pune district) of interior Western Maharashtra with the aim of testing bacteriological quality of rural water supplies.

Status of groundwater in Wardha: A report from the Central Ground Water Board
The report lists out recommendations to utilize groundwater in Wardha, Maharashtra in an effective manner and is complete with data relating to geomorphology and the status of groundwater Posted on 13 Aug, 2009 10:30 AM

This report from the Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) deals with the status of groundwater in the Wardha district of Maharashtra.

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Modelling saline water intrusion in Bardez taluk of Goa
This study attempts to simulate and evaluate the impacts of seawater intrusion in one part of North Goa using FEFLOW to find the most sensitive parameters affecting the simulation Posted on 13 Aug, 2009 10:14 AM

This papers models the saline water intrusion in the Bardez taluk of Goa.

The study is replete with hydrogeological maps and data. These include topographic contours, soil, landuse, rainfall, geology, location of observation wells etc.

Baseline survey and report on health, hygiene and sanitation in urban slums and villages in Delhi – a report by Sulabh International Institute of Health and Hygiene
The report concludes that the current situation of sanitation and water supply in Delhi's urban slums and villages is not satisfactory and open defecation alone is responsible for many diseases Posted on 12 Aug, 2009 05:31 PM

This report by Sulabh International Institute of Health and Hygiene presents a baseline survey on health, hygiene and sanitation in urban slums and villages in Delhi. According to the report availability of basic civic facilities, like potable water, water disposal and sanitation, are vital human needs for health and efficiency of human beings. Inability of the city management and city institutions to provide these facilities to the citizens had led to high incidence of diseases and mortality rates. The problems which the women and children face in these conditions are much worse.

Strengthening the learning alliance - Scaling up options for SRI in Orissa: A report by the Xavier Institute of Management
This report on scaling up options for the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Orissa attempted to strengthen the SRI learning alliance in Orissa through this scoping study Posted on 12 Aug, 2009 04:21 PM

It begins with this overview chapter which provides the basics of SRI for the uninitiated apart from situating the productivity of rice within the All India context reiterating the case for SRI. The report highlights the efforts of the department and provides information on the costs of cultivation at the state farm and reported yield increase in different demonstration plots.

System of Rice Intensification in Tamil Nadu: A status report by GEO Foundation and Centre for World Solidarity
This status report by GEO Foundation and Centre for World Solidarity on the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Tamil Nadu aims to assess the status of SRI and its ground situation Posted on 12 Aug, 2009 02:11 PM

This status report  analyses the potential opportunities to popularize the same towards effective utilization of water resource, augmenting yield/income for the livelihood upliftment of farming community. The methodology followed in this study is random sampling of farmers of SRI practitioners and non-practitioners in delta and non-delta regions.

The Janhit Foundation study of water pollution in the Hindon River of Western Uttar Pradesh
The report details contamination of Hindon river, western Uttar Pradesh, with heavy metals and pesticides from untreated industrial effluent that is further contaminating the underlying groundwater Posted on 12 Aug, 2009 10:13 AM

"Gasping for Breath" is a study by Janhit Foundation on water pollution in the Hindon river of Western Uttar Pradesh. This substantial scientific report details the gross contamination of the Hindon River with heavy metals and pesticides, and the subsequent contamination of the underlying groundwater water aquifer that his has caused. Consumption of this contaminated groundwater as a drinking water source is shown to be having a devastating effect on the health of the local population. 

Andhra Pradesh State of the Environment: A report from ENVIS
The report has a number of recommendations regarding environmental care and protection that not only influences governmental policy, but also citizen action Posted on 11 Aug, 2009 04:00 PM

The Andhra Pradesh State of the Environment Report is available at the Environmental Information System (ENVIS) cell of the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) here

Irrigation infrastructure: a view from below - the case of the Tungabhadra river
The study seeks to link up the larger politics of inter- state and intra state conflicts with critical questions on water availability and the river’s changed potential Posted on 11 Aug, 2009 02:32 PM

The case study of the irrigation infrastructure of Tungabhadra river zooms in on the river, to examine the various schemes on it. Taking the particular case of the Tungabhadra in the Krishna river basin and following the river flow as it is subject to various schemes in time and space, it shows how simmering tensions are likely to manifest as full-fledged conflicts. 

Half full, Half empty: A WaterAid publication on the drought and drinking water crisis in Bundelkhand
The paper presents a situational analysis of the crisis and challenges of drinking water in Bundelkhand in the overall context of the drought spell in 2007 Posted on 11 Aug, 2009 01:44 PM

This paper on Bundelkhand from their Water and Sanitation Perspective series of WaterAid presents how ecological degradation and faulty policies make drinking water scarce and less accessible.
