Apply by 15 Nov
Vacancy for the post of 'Field Coordinator', SELCO Foundation, Bangalore
The organization's mission is to understand problems faced by un-served and under-served communities and bridge the last mile implementation gap.
22 Oct
Invitation to the release of 'Agony of Floods: Flood Induced Water Conflicts in India', Forum for Policy Dialogue on Water Conflicts in India & Megh Pyne Abhiyan , Patna
The Forum has been engaged in documenting several kinds of water conflicts in India since 2004-05, and this publication is a compendium of case studies of flood induced water conflicts in India.
29 Oct
Invitation to a seminar on '‘Making public services work for the poor - A Karnataka experience ’, Centre for Budget Policy Studies, Bangalore
A seminar to present some of CBPS's recent research and through them go deeper into the discussions that have surrounded the issue of making public service work for the poor.
30 Nov
Invite to a workshop on 'Namma Kere, Namma Bengaluru', Save Bangalore Lakes Trust, Bangalore
Are lakes for sewage dumping and land grabbbing ? If you are concerned on the issue of saving Bangalore lakes, participate in the workshop.
Apply by 15 Nov
Call for Abstracts, National Seminar on recent researches in Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University,Raipur, February 24-26, 2014
A symposium to provide a suitable platform to geoscientists, industrialists and environment managers to debate issues and reach to a viable solution.
Apply by 01 Nov
Invitation for Certificate course 'Understanding Groundwater', ACWADAM, Pune, January 6-21, 2014
An initiative to strengthen Civil Society capabilities in groundwater management, using the watershed management platform.
22 Oct to 24 Oct
Invite to TARAgram Yatra 'Safe water for all and always', Development Alternatives, New Delhi & Orchha, Bundelkhand
A forum for stimulating debate, exchanging ideas, experiences and learning of professionals working in this sector.
30 Oct
Invite to seminar on e-waste management ' E -waste: Sustainability & management', The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM), Hyderabad
A programme that intends to provide an overview of proper management of e - waste, as per the best practices; as well as insight regulatory requirements.
28 Nov to 29 Nov
Invite to 'Waste Management Summit - 2013', Confederation of Indian Industry, Bengaluru
A concerted effort in bringing together all the key stakeholders in highlighting the need and importance of waste management.
Apply by 28 Oct
Request for proposal for 'Monitoring and Evaluation of MPUIIP', The Urban Administration and Development Department, Government of Madhya Pradesh (GoMP)
A technical and financial bid invited for monitoring and evaluation of DFID supported Madhya Pradesh Urban Infrastructure Investment Programme.
Apply by 20 Oct
Applications invited for the post of 'Senior Research Associate',Landesa, New Delhi
Landesa helps India’s 15 million poor, rural, landless families obtain ownership of a small plot of land and the opportunity to build a better future.
Apply by 14 Oct
Applications invited for the post of 'Programme Associate', Water Aid, Bhopal
Call to be part of a programme focus that helps in promoting and securing the rights and access to safe water, improved hygiene and sanitation.
Apply by 15 Dec
Applications invited for 'Young India Fellowship (YIF) Programme', Ashoka University, Mumbai
A vision to develop committed change agents for India through a multi-disciplinary programme guided by eminent leaders and scholars of our times.
Apply by 21 Oct
Applications invited for Advanced Training Programme 'Green Buildings Ratings System', Indian Green Building Council (IGBC), Chennai, October 22-23, 2013
A programme to cover various approaches and strategies, to create a sustainable built environment, and to include sharing of illustration and successful case studies of projects across the country.
26 Oct
Registration open for a short course 'Water resources of India', Mohile Parikh Centre, Mumbai
A short course based on the book 'Oxford India Short Introductions' which are authoritative and accessible introductions to different aspects of India, facilitated by the author A. Vaidyanathan.
Apply by 30 Oct
Invitation of sealed tenders for 'Execution of solar power based mini Drinking Water Supply project', State Government, Odisha
A contract of solar energy based dual pump piped water supply schemes under National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) in Integrated Action Plan (IAP) districts of the Odisha state.
Apply by 15 Oct
Applications invited for the post of 'Technical officer- PRIs, Natural Resource Management and Livelihoods', UNDP, New Delhi
A responsibility of identifying and designing strategies for Panchayats to manage natural resources, enhance livelihoods and provide appropriate civic services.
Apply by 15 Oct
Applications invited for the post of 'Technical officer_Gram Sabha Mobilisation social audit, social accountability and PESA', UNDP, New Delhi
A responsibility to identify & design strategies for community mobilization for strengthening gram sabhas, and enhancing accountability of the Panchayats to the community.
27 Oct
Invite to a workshop 'The Square Foot Gardening Concept',Bangalore
An interactive class to learn an easy & fun way to grow vegetables, flowers & herbs on the farm, your terrace, balcony, patio or garden!
24 Oct
Invite to a State level workshop 'Groundwater laws in Tamil Nadu', The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai
A workshop to understand the legal system that relies on the scientifically and socially unsound common law principles relating to groundwater use & ownership.