The Naga Pride
The film, The Naga Pride tells the story of the transformation of a Naga tribe from being Amur falcon hunters to protectors.
Amur Falcons (Screenshot of the film The Naga Pride, Source: Sumanth Kuduvalli)
Green gold on fire
The film Green Gold on Fire provides insights into the impacts of forest fire on communities and environment in Jammu and Kashmir.
Forest fire (Source: Abdul Rashid)
No water in the rice bowl
Thousands of farmers in Bardhaman district, known as the rice bowl of West Bengal, are suffering huge losses due to the shortage of water.
Nikhil Bagdi at his paddy field. (Photo: Gurvinder Singh)
The Birdman of Chorao
The documentary, Birdman of Chorao tells the story of Uday Mandrekar’s selfless efforts in protecting the mangroves in Chorao.
Uday Mandrekar (Source: Shashank Bhosale)
Saving Ganga: Just clean-up won’t do
River Ganga’s uninterrupted flow is as important as making the river pollution free if the Ganga rejuvenation drive has to show desired results.
The Ganga at Haridwar in Uttarakhand. Downstream of this, the river flow has reduced due to increased abstraction. (Image courtesy: Manas Chakrabarty; Wikimedia Commons, CC BY SA-4.0)