Covid-19 hits women’s access to menstrual hygiene products
The lockdown has adversely impacted access to menstrual hygiene information and products, reveals a survey by the Menstrual Health Alliance India.
Menstrual cycle and personal hygiene items (Image: Marco Verch, Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0); Flickr Commons)
Packaged drinking water units' woes: A Covid -19 perspective
The sudden, prolonged and unplanned disruption in the operations of packaged drinkiging water units due to lockdown has left these units deal with a situation which they have never faced before.
Filtration plants in a packaging water units (Image source: Tushar Trivedi)
India’s deepening water crisis - need for a response at scale
Capacity building and data should not be seen as one-time activities but as a foundation for impactful, sustainable, large scale programmes.
Residents of a village built a farm-pond and repurposed it to suit their needs (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Agricultural crop substitution can bridge rural and urban water needs
Rural and urban water crisis in India can be addressed through adaptive changes in current agricultural practices, as per a study in Maharashtra by the Indian School of Business.
Cropping pattern in Maharashtra over the past 40 years has shifted towards water-intensive crops like sugarcane (Image: Terry Sunderland/CIFOR)
सुखना झील को मिले ‘जीवित प्राणी’ के अधिकार और कर्तव्य
पंजाब-हरियाणा हाईकोर्ट ने चंडीगढ़ की सुखना-झील के संरक्षण के लिए दायर सात याचिकाओं पर विचार करते हुए सुखना-झील को जीवित व्यक्ति का दर्जा दिया है और चंडीगढ़ के समाज और प्रशासन की जवाबदेही तय करते हुए उन्हें सुखना झील के अभिभावक की संज्ञा दी है।
सुखना झील, फोटो: Needpix