Odisha Flood Alert - II issue 2010
News information collected and aggregated from various media sources
A turning point in water saving technologies in north Gujarat’s groundwater socio-ecology – a report by Carewater INREM foundation
The study looks at water saving technologies such as micro-irrigation through drip and sprinkler irrigation in north Gujarat and the changes that its introduction has brought about in rural society
Ingress of saline water in coastal aquifers of Junagadh – A report by CAREWATER
The study attempts to create a salinity ingress profile by means of geo-chemical analysis for the Junagadh coastal area for the pre-monsoon period of 2006
Inland fishery in a traditionally vegetarian state: A Gujarat story by CAREWATER
The study by Carewater INREM Foundation attempts to understand the factors, which have caused explosive growth in culture fishery production in Gujarat
Groundwater contamination and rural water treatment in Gujarat - a discussion paper by Carewater INREM foundation
The discussion paper deals with groundwater contamination and rural water treatment in Gujarat, as quality problem of this important drinking water source has led to high social costs
Inland culture fisheries in village tanks and ponds - A multi-location study in India - CAREWATER
This multi-location study on inland fisheries in village tanks and ponds attempts to map the changing institutional structure of the aquaculture sector in India
Fluorosis in Gujarat: A disaster ahead – A report by CAREWATER
Cost of Fluorosis in Gujarat: the economic and social costs