A source today, scarce tomorrow: Educational videos on global freshwater problems

What are the water sources and where is the water utilized ? The short videos below aim to educate us on simple facts of freshwater sources and scarcity....

Freshwater accounts for barely 2.5% of the earth’s water ( Source of video:TED-Ed )

Water though a global concern, is highly contextual, and largely a local matter. The United States of America consumes the maximum water per capita, which is no surprise at all. What is interesting is that domestic use of water accounts for barely 8 % of the fresh water consumed. Agriculture guzzles up 70 % and 22% is used for industrial uses. Is it possible to fulfil the skyrocketing demand for water?

Running out of freshwater: How can we make a difference? ( Source of video:TED-Ed )

Scarcity of freshwater is felt across the globe today. Every 15 seconds a child dies due to water borne diseases. Water needs to be accepted as a global common good and not barely an economic value. We need to conserve and value freshwater. But can water shortages be fixed by improving personal habits? Does an individual conservation action like a shorter shower, literally end up as a drop in the bucket?

Path Alias

