Rainwater Harvesting Users and Trainers' Manual by the KUIDFC

Adequate potable water supply to the community has become an uphill task to the administration both in rural and urban areas. This is because of dwindling groundwater sources, over-extraction, pollution of surface water bodies, negligence of fresh water bodies, poor water management, etc. However, at present, capturing rainwater can empower us to become self-reliant and live in a sustainable environment.

In this context, Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development & Finance Corporation (KUIDFC), Government of Karnataka has brought out a manual called “Rainwater Harvesting Users’ Manual”, which in-turn gives clear information to users on capturing, conveying, collection, storage and usage of rainwater for various purposes.

Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development & Finance Corporation (KUIDFC), Government of Karnataka has also brought out another manual called “Rainwater Harvesting Trainers’ Manual”, which will serve as a guide for the training of state level to Gram Panchayat level officials, Volunteers, Nirmiti Kendras, NGOs and perhaps academicians on the real time implementation of rainwater harvesting systems. This manual is helpful for field implementation and educating the common man on various design aspects.

Path Alias

