Rainfed Agriculture

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Featured Articles
September 6, 2024 A millet-based approach to combating malnutrition in Odisha
Mixing of ingredients for preparation of ragi mix by women self-help group members (Image: WASSAN)
May 18, 2024 A case study of women-led climate resilient farming by Swayam Shikshan Prayog
Building the resilience of women farmers (Image: ICRISAT, Flcikr Commons)
February 9, 2023 Reduced allocation to MGNREGA will reduce employment days available, let alone solve the question of payment of pending wages.
Women farmers at work in their vegetable plots near Kullu (Image: Neil Palmer (CIAT)/Wikimedia Commons)
December 28, 2022 This study found that high rainfall, minimum temperature and high irrigation intensity had a negative impact on crop diversification in Himachal Pradesh.
Crop diversification to cope with climate shocks in Himachal Pradesh (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)
August 10, 2022 The irrigation at all costs mindset and narrow policies for drought protection during the colonial rule ignored rainfed agriculture and local practices that sustained agriculture in the Bombay Deccan. This continues even today.
Recurrent droughts and the struggle for survival (Image Source: Gaurav Bhosale via Wikimedia Commons):
July 25, 2022 This first of its kind study found that fragmented water landscapes increased the risk of Japanese Encephalitis by providing more opportunities for mosquito breeding and transmission of the virus from animals to humans via animal hosts.
Stagnant waters can encourage mosquito breeding and increase risk of diseases (Image Source: India Water Portal)
Rain Shocked-Climate change and the rainfall pattern
Rain Shocked: A research study by Down to Earth, on how climate change is leading to a rising trend of short but intense spells of rainfall, which is making usable water scarce in India. Posted on 11 Jun, 2009 02:40 PM

The research study was published in Down to Earth in March 2009 issue. The study describes how climate change is leading to a rising trend of short but intense spells of rainfall, which is making usable water scarce in India.

New paradigm for rainfed farming: Support systems and incentives – A national workshop by ICAR, WASSAN and CSA
The workshop intends to deliberate a framework for establishing appropriate support systems and incentives for reinvigorating sustainable rainfed farming sand livelihoods in rainfed areas in India. Posted on 04 Jun, 2009 01:13 PM

This page provides the link to the lead papers and presentations of the national workshop by ICAR, WASSAN and CSA on “New paradigm for rainfed farming: Support systems and incentives” in 2007.

Planning commission sets up working group on rainfed areas for the eleventh five year plan
A working group on rainfed areas for the eleventh five year plan was set up by the planning commission under the chairmanship of Dr. Y.K. Alagh, in March, 2006 Posted on 12 May, 2009 03:24 PM

The terms of reference of the working group are as follows -

WASSAN: Watershed Cartoons!
A light look at the serious issues in watershed development by WASSAN is out. Posted on 08 Oct, 2008 08:58 AM

These PROTOONS were produced as part of various engagements of WASSAN with Watershed Development projects and Rainfed Agriculture. DFID I; Commissionerate of Rural Development (GoAP); Ford Foundation; HIVOS; District Water Management Agencies; Mandal Mahila Samakhyas; various NGOs, Resource persons, villagers and several others contributed in developing these PROTOONS.

New website on "rainfed farming" by WASSAN
The website is setup and maintained by WASSAN and focusses on rainfed farming Posted on 09 Oct, 2007 04:55 AM

 Click here to view the website

Down To Earth features rainfed farming as its cover story
Without addressing the problems of majority of farmers in unirrigated land, India will not achieve food security Posted on 05 Aug, 2007 08:41 AM

downtoearth.bmp Down To Earth's latest issue (July 31st 2007) features rainfed farming as their cover story.
