Research Papers

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Can we reverse the outcomes of climate change for India?
Heat extremes and groundwater scarcity are but two of the impacts of climate change affecting India. Technology, political will, and international cooperation are needed to reverse these impacts. Posted on 16 Dec, 2014 02:13 PM

The report title 'Turn down the heat: Climate extremes, regional impacts and the case for resilience' published by the World Bank, highlights the risks posed by climate

Droughts and climate change (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Are we heading towards ecological and social suicide?
Development at the cost of the environment and ecosystem-dependent communities can be an easy recipe for ecological and social disaster. Posted on 10 Dec, 2014 10:17 AM

In the article titled 'A hundred days closer to ecological and social suicide' published in the Economic and Political Weekly, the author argues that the recent changes in the government do not seem to have helped in changing the environmental policies of the country. Rather, they reflect regressive actions that could lead to a large-scale assault on rules, laws

The revived lake in Valni village, Nagpur
The challenged coasts of India: A report
The report highlights how degradation of the coastal environment has reached alarming proportions, closely reflecting the urban population explosion and rapid and unplanned urbanisation. Posted on 05 Dec, 2014 10:18 AM

Aims of the report:

Fishing, an important coastal activity
Toilets and social networks: Is there a connection?
Studies have shown links between social dynamics and behaviour change, especially with regard to toilet use. Intervention efforts should focus on communities, and not individuals. Posted on 06 Nov, 2014 10:54 PM

Of late, there have been plenty of discussions around the topic of sanitation, which have focussed on building toilets on a massive scale. These are in the aftermath of the new and recently released Millennium Development Goals Report 2014 by the United Nations that shows that India has the world's largest population that defecates out in the open, with it being as high as 66% in rural India [1

Toilet use (Source: Sourabh Phadke)
Assessment of Krishna river basin closure
Well-defined water policies, water rights, management and governance are required to deal with closed or closing sub-basins. Posted on 25 Jul, 2014 12:47 AM

In recent years, water is being extracted from all available sources to satisfy society's growing demands. River basins are mined limitless at various locations. This leads to the basin becoming closed, which means that no more utilizable flow is left in the basin.

River Krishna
Call for abstracts for International Conference on Sustainable materials and Innovative technologies in Civil Engineering, Nehru Institute for Technology, Coimbatore
The Conference focusses on creating sustainable public infrastructure including water resources
Posted on 18 Jun, 2014 04:35 PM

The water related themes of the Conference are

- Integerated Water Resources management

- Coastal Zone Management

- Groundwater quality

- Urban flooding and landslides

- Ocean infrastructure development

- Global warming and its impact on water resources

- Wastewater treatment and pollution control technologies

Conference on Technologies in Civil Engineering
Call for papers for the 3rd International Faecal Sludge Management Conference, World Smart Capital Initiative, Hanoi, Vietnam
FSM3 is organized by the World Smart Capital Initiative, a non-profit organization that provides a platform for partner cities on social and sustainable urban innovation
Posted on 23 May, 2014 05:48 PM

Effective city-wide faecal sludge management services are essential for a healthy and sustainable future for all cities and towns in low and middle income countries where much of the population uses on-site sanitation.

Eco-san toilets
More crop per drop in the predicted weak monsoons
The monsoon is often regarded as the driver of Indian agriculture. What farmers need are simple solutions to reduce their vulnerability to the fickle rains. Posted on 15 May, 2014 03:28 PM

Water and agriculture are closely linked in our country where 60% our net sown area is rain-fed. Indian agriculture is undoubtedly dependent on the monsoon where good rains have meant enhanced agricultural production, and a weak or bad monsoon has lowered production thereby impacting the economy.

Water and agriculture ( Source: Wikipedia)
Water scarcity in the 'village of wells'
What is the cause of water scarcity in Kattanbhavi, a village in Belgaum, Karnataka? Is it distance from source, lack of money or something beyond that? Posted on 23 Mar, 2014 10:15 PM

What determines how we use water? Is it proximity to a source or could it be economic factors? A study in Kattanbhavi, a picturesque village in Belgaum, Karnataka, which also borders Maharashtra, gives clear insights into how and why available water sources are used in a particular manner.

Drinking water well in Kattanbhavi
Power'house or powerless: A debate on dams in Arunachal Pradesh
Water conflicts in Arunachal Pradesh have left power projects and people at opposite ends of the struggle. Understanding, and not merely suppressing people, will help resolve this conflict. Posted on 19 Mar, 2014 11:54 PM

Arunachal Pradesh, a state rich in water resources, has a huge potential for cheap and plentiful power. Isolated and one of the least developed states in the country, today it is viewed as the ‘powerhouse’ of the country.

Potential powerhouse ( Source: Wikimedia)