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Standard operating procedure for responding to natural disasters - Rural drinking water supply and sanitation - A document by Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation (2011)
This document elaborates on the specific actions to be undertaken at state, district, block and village level in responding to natural disasters Posted on 17 Nov, 2012 10:22 PM

 This document by Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation  spells out the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders in providing water, sanitation and hygiene services during different phases of disasters.

Splash invites applications for the post of Country Director - India
Posted on 17 Nov, 2012 02:27 PM


About Splash

Splash's mission is simple: To change the lives of vulnerable children in impoverished urban areas by providing clean, safe drinking water to orphanages, schools, children’s hospitals, street shelters, and rescue homes.

The idea behind Splash is not to create new institutions‚ÄĒbut to help existing ones get even better.

Mines and minerals policy of Meghalaya- A document by the Department of Mining and Geology, Government of Meghalaya (2012)
This document aims at prevention of exploitation of mineral resources in the state by facilitating systematic and scientific utilisation Posted on 15 Nov, 2012 10:26 PM

This policy document by the Department of Mining and Geology of Government of Meghalaya, aims to facilitate systematic, scientific and planned utilization of mineral resources in the state.

Zen and the art of wise water management: Rainwater Club's youtube channel crosses 1 million views !
Chicu Lokgariwar from the India Water Portal introduces us to the rainwater harvesting and ecological sanitation evangelist that is zenrainman Posted on 15 Nov, 2012 02:24 PM

Those readers who got the insider joke in the title need no introduction to the rainwater harvesting and ecological sanitation evangelist that is zenrainman.

Gujarat forest statistics – A compilation by Forest Department of Gujarat, Government of Gujarat (2010-2011)
This document provides major statistical facts on the forests in Gujarat Posted on 15 Nov, 2012 12:09 AM

This document is by the Project Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Cell of the Forest Department of Gujarat. It provides major statistical facts of the Gujarat's forests.

Energy policy of Jharkhand- A policy document by Department of Energy, Government of Jharkhand (2012)
This policy document highlights the poor accessibility and availability of power in the state of Jharkhand and measures to improve this situation Posted on 14 Nov, 2012 11:21 PM

This a policy document of Department of Energy, Government of Jharkhand. It states that the poor availability and inadequate availability of power has immensely affected the overall development of the state.

Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects in water in Delhi a burden on public, says Citizens Front for Water Democracy
The Citizens Front for Water Democracy says that Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects in water in Delhi are a tool for corruption and personal gains Posted on 14 Nov, 2012 06:49 PM

Politicians/DJB members, board officials work in connivance with consultants and companies causing losses to the public exchequer. Delhiites get water at high rates and increased water bills as 50 per cent of DJB work is under private operators.

First tree census by volunteers in Delhi – Report by Compassionate Living
“He that planteth a tree is a servant of God, he provideth a kindness for many generations, and faces that he hath not seen shall bless him.”
― Henry van Dyke
Posted on 14 Nov, 2012 02:05 PM

India International Centre and The Green Circle of Delhi organized the release of a report based on a first of its kind initiative – the “First Tree Census Report of Delhi by Citizens: Sarvodaya Enclave” on 17th