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Low cost napkins: Are they a band aid in the absence of sanitation facilities?
Low-cost sanitary napkins can start a revolution, but only when factors like access to toilet, clean water, privacy for changing and sustainable disposal of used products is considered. Posted on 15 Apr, 2016 05:24 PM

Menstrual hygiene management continues to be a challenge for rural women in India and many women are forced to resort to unhygienic ways of managing menstruation thus affecting their health and well-being. The paper titled 'Menstrual management and low cost sanitary napkins' published in the Economic and

Women, menstrual management and sanitation (Source: India Water Portal)
Urban Fellowship Programme at IIHS, Bangalore
The Programme is a fully funded, nine-month, full-time, inter-disciplinary fellowship for recent graduates and young professionals from varied educational backgrounds or practice domains.
Posted on 13 Apr, 2016 03:53 PM

India’s urban transition is unprecedented in scale and complexity. Within it lie both the opportunities of increased economic growth and employment as well as the challenges of persistent inequality, extreme deprivation and environmental degradation. To shape our cities we need a new set of urban professionals who can be part of this change. 

Urban Fellowship Programme at IIHS
Draft of new Wetland Rules 2016 is out
Policy matters this week Posted on 12 Apr, 2016 12:37 PM

Environmentalists unhappy with the draft of new Wetland Rules 2016

Deepor Beel in Assam (Source: IWP Flickr Photos)
Maharashtra stuck between IPL and drought
News this week Posted on 12 Apr, 2016 12:01 PM

Maharashtra government to choose between revenue or drought-struck people

Drought in Maharashtra (Source: IWP Flickr Photo)
Israel 'hand-makes' more than 50% of its water
Technologies are magic, and Israel has been creating such magic since 1964. India Water Portal speaks to Uri Schor, the Spokesman of the Israeli Water Authority to understand this. Posted on 10 Apr, 2016 10:11 PM

The Israeli water industry is one of the best in the world, and this is because of the country’s breakthrough in technological innovations in areas like desalination, drip irrigation and water security.

Israeli Pavilion at India Water Week 2016 (Source: Israel Embassy, New Delhi)
Water lessons from a ‘desert’ nation
Israel, a parched land, has transformed itself into a water sufficient nation thanks to an innovative approach to water management. Can India pick up a few tips? Posted on 10 Apr, 2016 09:58 PM

The water scarcity that India is facing even before the onslaught of summers, and the plight of farmer’s in Marathwada have been making headlines every single day.

Israeli Pavilion at India Water Week 2016 (Source: Israel Embassy, New Delhi)
Environmental regulation in India: The need to move beyond procedural lacunae
The paper questions the EIA process and says that unless the issues are resolved, it could erode the very legitimacy of the government to regulate and deliver dignity and equality to all citizens. Posted on 08 Apr, 2016 01:03 PM

One of the tasks that the current government had promised to work on is the fast tracking of the process of appraisal of projects seeking environmental approvals from the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change. The article titled 'Environmental regulation in India: Moving 'forward' in the old direction' published in th

Environmental regulation and citizen participation (Source: India Water Portal)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Rules, Regulations & Standards concerning water
A one-stop compilation of the Rules, Regulations & Standards related to all aspects of water Posted on 05 Apr, 2016 04:37 PM

This FAQ is a one-stop compilation of the Rules, Regulations & Standards related to all aspects of water. The most popular FAQs are listed below.

Click on a topic to view more detailed information.

Indian Standards (IS codes)

Which is the IS code of practice for installation of septic tanks?

Rules, Regulations & Standards
Union Water Minister inaugurates 4th India Water Week 2016
News this week Posted on 05 Apr, 2016 09:56 AM

India Water Week 2016 with the theme 'Water for All: Striving together' inaugurated in New Delhi 

4th India Water Week 2016 (Source: Embassy of Israel)
NGT slams Railways for using groundwater illegally
Policy matters this week Posted on 05 Apr, 2016 09:47 AM

Railways using groundwater 'indiscriminately and illegally': NGT

Indian Railways (Source: Wikimedia Commons)