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Weather or not: Women workers need care in summer
There is a grave health concern around women manual workers who work under extreme conditions of heat with poor access to sanitary facilities. This needs urgent redressal at the policy level. Posted on 11 Jan, 2017 10:49 AM

In a tropical country like India, the summer months are hot which threaten the health of millions of people every year.

Women work under poor working conditions. (Source: Wkimedia Commons)
The doer from the Thar
There are many unsung heroes amidst us who go about their good work silently. Chattar Singh is one such hero who has revived traditional water management system of the parched Jaisalmer villages. Posted on 10 Jan, 2017 10:53 PM

“Can you see the alternating bands of light and shadow in the sky?” Chattar Singh asks me. When I nod in affirmation, he continues, “This is Mogh. There are clouds where the sun is setting right now. If we get a favourable wind, these clouds will reach here and we may get rain by night. In desert, people live by such clues from nature.”  

Despite all the great work, Chattar Singh's demeanour remains unassuming. Source: Farhad Contractor
Closing the loop
A village near Bengaluru sets an example of reusing wastewater by innovatively using the reject water from a community RO plant to eliminate fluoride contamination. Posted on 09 Jan, 2017 03:58 PM

With a total population of 1200, Sonnahallipura village in Hoskote taluk of Bangalore Rural district has 250 homes. This village was chosen by the Rotary Club of Bangalore, Indiranagar to start a micro-credit programme for 10 women’s self-help groups (SHG) and a low-cost sanitary napkin manufacturing unit.  

The RO plant in Sonnahallipura village.
Maharashtra gears up for irrigation projects
Policy matters this week Posted on 09 Jan, 2017 10:14 AM

Maharashtra approves cost overrun in irrigation projects, set to complete Gosikhurd project

Irrigation canal from the Bhima dam, Maharashtra (Source: Nvvchar on Wikipedia)
States fail to tackle groundwater crisis
News this week Posted on 09 Jan, 2017 09:52 AM

A majority of states fail to stop overexploitation of groundwater

A well in Rajasthan (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Invite to the conference on conservation science and sustainable development
ATREE invites for a two day international conference to celebrate 20 years of completion and call attention to current environmental challenges.
Posted on 07 Jan, 2017 10:34 PM

In order to celebrate 20 years of ATREE and to call attention to current challenges in biodiversity conservation, environment and development, ATREE has organized a two day international conference in January, 2017.

Job announcement for Zilla Swach Bharat Prerak
Tata Trusts intends to recruit motivated professionals as Zilla Swach Bharat Prerak (ZSBP) and depute them at district level.
Posted on 07 Jan, 2017 10:18 PM

The ZSBP is an initiative of the Ministry of Drinking Water and Saniation, Government of India (GoI) and Tata Trusts; to be implemented in collaboration with State Governments. The core focus of the programme is achieving Open Defecation Free (ODF) status of all villages and improving the lives of people in rural India.

Curious case of disappearing fish
Fish species are rapidly disappearing from Himalayan rivers. Dams are not the reason. Human activity is. Posted on 07 Jan, 2017 09:41 PM

Jaman Ram, a resident of Bhikia Sain, a tehsil in Uttarakhand, remembers fishing with his father in the Ramganga. “We could catch 80-100 kilograms of fish a day. That is no longer possible,” he says. Shafiq of Haldwani shares an unsettling memory of the Ramganga. As a young man on a holiday, he was paddling in the river near Marchula when the rock he was standing on shifted.

Mahseer swim in the bracing waters of the Ganga in Uttarakhand.
A water worried year in a nutshell
From river disputes to the failure of the Ganga clean-up plan and the interlinking of rivers, water conflicts dominated most of 2016. Posted on 07 Jan, 2017 08:13 AM

The year 2016 was eventful, to say the least when it comes to the water scenario in the country. The year saw severe droughts affecting 33 crore people across 10 states.

The Cauvery river at Hogenakkal, Karnataka
Changing coast affects livelihood
While sundry development and infrastructure projects beautify the Chennai coastline, fishermen are left to fend for themselves. Posted on 07 Jan, 2017 07:05 AM

Going by the statistics from the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Tamil Nadu’s coastline is densely populated with 573 fishing villages along 13 coastal districts. The story is slightly different around the urban and peri-urban coastline, thanks to the ongoing gentrification of the coastline in most parts of urban India.

Chennai coast on a busy day.