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Industrial, Investment and Infrastructure policy of Maharashtra - Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (2006)
This article describes the details of the Industrial, Investment and Infrastructure Policy of Maharashtra, its background, industrial scenario, objectives and targets. Posted on 21 Oct, 2010 08:30 PM

This document describes the details of the Industrial, Investment and Infrastructure Policy of Maharashtra. The document includes:

document includes:
The background to the policy
Industry scenario at the national level
Maharashtra: The preferred inductrial investment destination
Policy objective
Policy targets
Policy validity
Thrust areas
Infrastructure and communication: the growth engines
Promotional and financial incentives
Cluster approach for development
Co-operative industrial estates
Sick units: Revival and exit
New industrial townships
Special economic zones
Marketing assistance
International exhibition centres
Resource mapping and showcasing state's potential
HR initiatives
Labour laws and procedures
Single window clearance
Promotion of foreign direct investment
Restructuring of industries department
Review and monitoringThe document describes the details of the Industrial, Investment and Infrastructure Policy of Maharashtra. The document includes:
  • The background to the policy
  • Industry scenario at the national level
  • Maharashtra: The preferred industrial investment destination
  • Policy objective
  • Policy targets
  • Policy validity
  • Strategies
  • Thrust areas
  • Infrastructure and communication: the growth engines
  • Promotional and financial incentives
  • Cluster approach for development
  • Co-operative industrial estates
  • Sick units: Revival and exit
  • New industrial townships
  • Special economic zones
  • Marketing assistance
  • International exhibition centres
  • Resource mapping and showcasing state's potential
  • HR initiatives
  • Labour laws and procedures
  • Single window clearance
  • Promotion of foreign direct investment
  • Restructuring of industries department
  • Review and monitoring
Tank irrigation in semi-arid tropical India: Economic evaluation and alternatives for improvement - A report by ICRISAT
A report that analyses the tank=irrigation density in the two semi-arid tropic states of Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra Posted on 20 Oct, 2010 10:03 PM

This report by ICRISAT deals with a survey of thirty-two tanks and farm data from Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra states to assess the economic performance of irrigation tanks in semi arid tropics of India. It uses district-wise data on climatic and institutional variables to analyze the factors affecting tank-irrigation density. Results indicate that the spatial distribution of irrigation tanks is determined primarily by physical factors—hard rock substratum, post-monsoon rains, low moisture-holding capacity of soils and by population density.

Extreme water logging and flood situation in channelized areas in Pune - A report
Nallahs and rainwater is good news. Not for Pune. 10 people lose their lives while the city administration neglects the maintenance of the near-natural channel system Pune enjoys. Posted on 13 Oct, 2010 04:32 PM

Guest post by Parineeta Dandekar

While this news item was about to be published, Pune received heavy rains on the 4th of October (highest in the last 118 years, 104 mm in 40 minutes and 181.3 mm in 24 hours). While the city administration stressed that this was a cloud burst, this claim was quashed by the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD). This was said to a rare event, which was experienced in many places in Maharashtra.

10 people lost their lives to these rains, including three young children and a 25 year old Ph D researcher, Agnimitra Bannerjee, from National Chemical Laboratory, who was washed away in a channelised nallah stretch. Channels prove to be much more dangerous as the velocity of water is high and there is nothing to hold on to, in case a person falls in one of these fast-flowing nallah channels.

Workshop - "Parliamentary Procedure and Engaging effectively with State Legislators", CSO Partners, Pune
Posted on 06 Oct, 2010 02:16 PM

CSO Partners Annual Workshop Series, 2010

Theme: "Parliamentary Procedure and Engaging effectively with State Legislators"

Water Jobs via dated October 06, 2010
Posted on 06 Oct, 2010 10:22 AM
  • Publication and Documentation Officer

Watershed Organisation Trust (WOTR)

Location: Pune
Last Date: October 16, 2010

Read more

National Water Academy training programme on Hydrological Review of Existing Projects, Pune
Posted on 05 Oct, 2010 01:50 PM

National Water Academy (NWA)

Organizer: National Water Academy (NWA)

National Water Academy (NWA) is a training institution of the Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India. NWA conducts training programs that cover all aspects of water resources development and management at basin scale, viz. hydrology, hydrometry and telemetry; flood management; investigation, planning and formulation of river valley projects; environmental and social aspects of river valley projects; design of dams /barrages /canals /gates/ hydro-power structures and FEM; dam safety and instrumentation; GIS and Remote Sensing; Hydro-informatics; IWRM; Water Policy; etc.

Protect the right to life considering the dignity of women who do not have access to a toilet
How Mumbai tackles its situation of sanitation and water: finds out Jan Jagruti Posted on 30 Sep, 2010 10:26 AM

Sanitation - a big problem in India, as half the population of our country do not have access to this facility. Mumbai is one of the biggest cities in the world and advanced in terms of its commercialization. However, sanitation is one of the most common issues neglected. Our team of women from Jan Jagruti went into the lanes of 3 areas Azad Mohala, Bharatiya Kamla Nagar, Vijay Nagar and spoke to women to understand the severity of the sanitation issue prevailing. These areas have severe problems with public health, due to improper sanitation infrastructure and insufficiency of toilet facilities, compounded by numerous issues of flooding during the monsoon season. Khaaddi, a local area/dumping ground, is widely used by local residents for urination and defecation, leading to the spread of contagious diseases. Though women use paid toilets, the issue of cleanliness and waiting in long queues are the most common problem before them. It is very insecure for them when they use open spaces for defecation.

India Infrastructure Report 2011 on Water - Call for papers
Posted on 21 Sep, 2010 02:22 PM

Infrastructure Development Finance Company (IDFC)Papers may address one or more of the following areas:

Situation analysis

  • Studies assessing current and future water situation in India
  • Water – climate change nexus and implications for the future
Workshops for NGO Professionals on Fund Raising, Pentagon Consultants, Pune
Posted on 16 Sep, 2010 04:25 PM

Pentagon Consultants

Organizer: Pentagon Consultants

