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BNHS invites applications for Research Fellows for House Sparrow Project, Mumbai – Apply by October 14, 2011
Posted on 09 Oct, 2011 09:21 AM


Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) – a membership-driven organization - has been promoting the cause of a natural India for the past 127 years since 1883. It was started by 8 Mumbai citizens, of which two were Indians. The Society's guiding principle has always been that conservation must be based on scientific research - a tradition exemplified by its former president, late Dr Sálim Ali. Designated as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO) by Department of Science & Technology, Government of India.

Reap what you sow, eat what you grow A film by Suma Josson on urban community farms promoted by Urban Leaves in Mumbai
This film by Suma Josson titled “Urban Leaves: Community farm in Mumbai” based on the work of Urban Leaves, an urban organic agriculture movement out of Mumbai. Posted on 24 Sep, 2011 06:21 PM

Reap what you sow, eat what you grow - A film by Suma Josson

It depicts how applying ecological principles and practices to maintain soil fertility, to manage crop health, and to keep soil and water in a good condition is especially relevant to the urban setting. The film focuses on the work being done in the urban farms, yet it can be seen as much more than that and, understood as a vision on healthy products, healthy production systems and as a way of life.

Water for Indian cities - Government practices and policy concerns - Issue Brief - Observer Research Foundation
This brief from the Observer Research Foundation highlights the issues involved in improving urban water supply in India. Posted on 24 Sep, 2011 04:50 PM

The urban expansion in India has not been met by a similar expansion in infrastructure and basic services. This has severely affected the quality of urban life and economic growth.

Tata Institute of Social Sciences invites papers for a three-day Conference on Globalisation and Social Transformation in Mumbai – Apply by September 30, 2011
Posted on 17 Sep, 2011 08:50 PM

Organizer: Tata Institute of Social Sciences

Venue: Mumbai


The Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai is a reputed institution that has influenced the direction of social work education and social research in India. It has earned recognition as an institution of repute from different Ministries of the Government of India, various State Governments, international agencies such as the United Nations, and the non-government sector, both national and international.

SRTT-NRTT invites applications for Assistant Development Officer, Amravati – Apply by September 8, 2011
Posted on 05 Sep, 2011 04:41 PM

Content courtesy: DevNetJobsIndia


Sir Ratan Tata Trust and Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust (SRTT-NRTT) initiated the comprehensive livelihood focused ‘Sukhi Baliraja Initiative (SBI)’ to address and alleviate farmers’ distress. The initiative has a total outreach of 25,600 households across 320 villages of the 6 distress districts of Vidarbha and has achieved a fair amount of success in its first year of operations.

WMG invites applications for Coordinators and Livelihoods Program Manager, Panchgani, Maharashtra
Posted on 04 Sep, 2011 11:35 AM


Watershed Management Group (WMG) has opened its doors near Panchgani, Maharashtra in western India where it has partnered with a local organization, Grampari, to provide health and environment services to rural communities. Grampari conducts livelihood and local governance programs such as skills development and entrepreneurship training.

WMG and Grampari are jointly developing several programs including sanitation & hygiene and community-based watershed management.

Integrated approach to solid waste management in Pune city – A working paper in MPRA
This paper by Sanjay Rode, Mumbai University in Munich Personal RePEc Archive presents an integrated approach to solid waste management for the city of Pune. Posted on 31 Aug, 2011 07:02 PM

Solid waste is increasing in the city due to growth of population, urbanization, higher per capita income and standard of living, changing lifestyle and food habits.

The first section of the paper explains about the structure of the solid waste in the city. The solid waste according to its constituents is presented in the second section. The third section of the paper explains about the regression result. The last section deals with the policy implication and conclusion.

Dynamic groundwater resources of Maharashtra – A report by CGWB and GSDA (2004)
The report gives the groundwater potential of different districts of the State on watershed basis and also information about the semi-critical, critical and over-exploited watersheds. Posted on 08 Aug, 2011 04:35 PM

This report on “Dynamic Ground Water Resources of Maharashtra (2004)” presents the groundwater estimates for the State of Maharashtra as computed by the Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) and Groundwater Survey and Development Agency (GSDA) based on the guidelines given by the Groundwater Estimation Committee (GEC-1997) constituted by Ministry of Water Resources (Government of India). 

Public-Private Partnerships in urban water supply for Maharashtra – Tool kit by GoI-ADB PPP Initiative
This tool kit by the ADB focused on identifying and developing PPP structures, which can be implemented in water supply and sanitation for the cities of Maharashtra. Posted on 16 Jul, 2011 06:48 PM


The various possible PPP structures for the sector were studied, and their applicability assessed in the context of the selected sample cities. Consultations led to development of term sheets for these PPP structures, which were identified as most suitable and feasible for implementation.

The above exercise has led to development of this report, which may be considered as a tool kit designed to help decision makers decide whether a particular project might be suitable for the PPP route or not. The tool kit can, therefore, be the basis for approving a project implementation structure as part of the overall project approval methodology.

CEE invites applications for various positions based at Pune
Posted on 14 Jul, 2011 05:28 PM

Centre for Environment Education (CEE)Centre for Environment Education (CEE), was established in August 1984 as a centre of excellence supported by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India. CEE, a national institution with its headquarters in Ahmedabad, has a mandate to promote environmental awareness nationwide.