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Prof.G. D. Agrawal's satyagraha against the construction of dams on the Bhagirathi River
Prof.G. D. Agrawal's satyagraha against the construction of dams on the Bhagirathi River Posted on 17 May, 2008 09:08 AM

Pained by the unrelenting destruction of the Ganga river, especially by a series of dams in its upper reaches, Dr G.D. Agrawal, India's pre-eminent environmental quality scientist and a legendary Professor (and HoD) of Civil & Environmental Engineering at IIT-Kanpur. (Access:Biography Sketch Here) has decided to go on a fast-unto-death to oppose its continuing desecration. His conviction that we are staring at an unprecedented ecological and cultural catastrophe comes from his powerfully logical mind. Critique on proposed dams on Bhagirathi River. Access here: Critique on Dams
