Research Papers

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Rare floral diversity in the Western Ghats forests
Many plants are in equal danger of becoming as extinct as some animals. Does anyone care? Posted on 03 May, 2013 02:29 PM

A fluttering butterfly or a dashing cheetah immediately bring vivid images to mind. Does the image of a plant stir us as much? Are we as fascinated watching a flower bloom? Probably not. Maybe that’s why there is such a large focus on endangered animals and birds and not so much on plant species that are dying out.

Call for papers-The Unorganised Sector in India: Extending the Debate to Mining and Quarrying - Seminar organised by Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Jaipur, 27-28th July, 2013
The seminar aims to extend the debate to mining and quarrying, and draws attention to the complex labour, environmental and governance issues of this sector
Posted on 01 May, 2013 01:37 PM


Study of performance of indigenous paddy varieties under System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and conventional growing practices
This report published by the National Consortium of SRI presents the findings of a study that compares the performance of indigenous paddy varieties under the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and conventional growing practices Posted on 21 Mar, 2013 09:55 PM

This study of performance of indigenous varieties of rice under conventional and SRI practices was commissioned by National Consortiumof SRI (NCS) to assess and document the experiences of various organizations and farmers in regard to the on-site yield performances of IPVs under the SRI.

Well-being quotient in India: A report on the disparity & diversity in the quality of life across various districts of the country, by TATA Strategic Management Group
This report deals with two major indicators, the well being of the individual household and the female security concept, to gauge the well being of 588 districts in the country Posted on 21 Mar, 2013 02:38 PM

To reach a consensus on the well being of districts across the country, 2 indexes have been calculated using the per capita expenditure as a surrogate for incomes in this report that include:

Well Being Index (WBI): Measures the well being of an individual household

Traditional household water purification methods practised by rural communities in developing countries - A compilation by the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems
What are the different ways through which water can be purified before it can be consumed? Read on to know more about the traditional and household water purification methods practised by rural communities in developing countries. Posted on 19 Mar, 2013 09:15 PM

This article published in the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems includes a collation of traditional household water purification methods practised by rural communities in developing countries.

Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme given near-exclusive priority in 12th five year plan, but will it solve India’s water problems?
This article by Amita Bhaduri gets into the nitty gritty of the Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP). Posted on 16 Mar, 2013 09:04 PM

There is a palpable sense of a looming water crisis in India. Conflicts across competing users and uses are on the rise. In the irrigation sector, it is widely felt that “paucity of resources and poor performance of existing major and medium irrigation systems are the two main problems”(1).

Sunlight-cleaned water: Research papers on the advantages, economics and safety issues of treating water through solar disinfection (SODIS)
Solar water disinfection (SODIS) is a simple technique of disinfecting water through solar energy Posted on 16 Mar, 2013 06:40 PM

In this technique, transparent containers are filled with contaminated water and placed in direct sunlight for at least 6 h, after which time it becomes safe to drink. This simple, straightforward disinfection method that utilises the abundant, freely available sunlight is low cost, easy to use and sustainable.

The state of environmental migration in 2011
A report on Bangladeshi migration to India in the context of 2001 floods, by the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI). Posted on 07 Mar, 2013 05:15 PM

Environmental degradation & climate change have induced human mobility by creating environmental migrants.

A response to doubts raised by Prof. Yuan on Indian farmer's record paddy yield through SRI method in Bihar
It is to be hoped that people will not take seriously the rejection by Prof. Yuan of the high paddy yields reported from Darveshpura, achieved not just that by Sumant Kumar but also by four farmer-neighbors. Posted on 04 Mar, 2013 11:13 PM

There is no scientific basis for rejecting these record yields in Bihar as a ‘hoax,’ because there is considerable evidence available that confirms the reported yields. Saying that the Indian government could not confirm the yield *after* the harvest is obviously correct, but it is a mistaken assertion.

An evaluative study on the informal water distribution system in Kaula Bandar slum in Mumbai- A paper in BioMed Central Public Health Journal
The paper evaluates an informal water distribution system in Kaula Bandar(KB), slum in Mumbai. Posted on 03 Mar, 2013 07:22 PM

As a result of rapid urbanisation, majority of migrated population is forced to settle in places which are not legally recognised by state authorities. These areas thus lack in basic services like water supply and sewerage. Consequently, the slum dwellers often resort to illegal methods to avail these services.
