Research Papers

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Impact of climate change on water resources and glacier melt and potential adaptations for Indian agriculture - A working paper by Challenge Program on Water and Food
Climate change impact on water resources and glacier melt will affect the potential in Indian agriculture Posted on 17 Aug, 2010 11:24 PM

The paper by the Challenge Program on Water and Food deals with the impact of climate change on water resources & glacier melt and potential adaptations in Indian agriculture. Global climatic changes will have major effects on precipitation, water availability, glacier/ice melt, and sea level rise. Climate-induced changes in hydrological conditions will affect the magnitude, frequency, and damage costs of future extreme events.

Is irrigation water free? A reality check in the Indo-Gangetic Basin – A working paper by the Challenge Program on Water and Food
An exception to the global characterisation in the irrigation economy of the Indo-Gangetic basin Posted on 17 Aug, 2010 09:41 PM

The paper generated under the Challenge Program for Water and Food (CPWF) project explores in some depth a totally different dynamic in the irrigation economy of the vast Indo-Gangetic basin (IGB), an important exception to the global characterization. The global debate on ‘‘water as an economic good’’ presumes that irrigation water supply is delivered, controlled, and priced by public institutions. In the developing world, the price of water is kept so low that water use cost leaves farmers no incentive to use it efficiently. 

Indo-Gangetic river basins: Summary situation analysis by Challenge Program on Water and Food
A situation analysis of water, agriculture and poverty in the Indo-Gangetic basin Posted on 16 Aug, 2010 07:37 PM

The paper by the Challenge Programme on Water and Food (CPWF) - Basin Focal Project provides a brief situation analysis related to water, agriculture & poverty, water resources, water productivity, institutional aspects and opportunities & risks related to the development of the Indo-Gangetic basin (IGB). Management of IGB water resources presents some formidable challenges and, therefore, steps must be taken towards integrated management of the IGB’s water and land resources in order to ensure the future sustainability of all production and ecosystems in the basin. 

Simple water use accounting of Ganges basin - A working paper by Challenge Program on Water and Food
Assessing interactions between water, food, poverty, and the environment in the Indo-Gangetic Basin with water use accounts Posted on 16 Aug, 2010 05:50 PM

This paper deals with basin water use accounting and is a contribution to the synthesis work of the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF) Basin Focal Projects. It applies principles of water use accounts, developed in the first of the series to the Ganges river basin in South Asia. It provides a means to assess the interactions between water, food, poverty, and the environment and helps develop sound information about water availability in a basin, where it goes and how it is used.

Water-use accounts in basins: Model concepts and description – A working paper by the Challenge Program on Water and Food
What is basin use accounting? How is it done? What is its contribution in synthesis work? What does it mean to asses water, food, poverty and environment? This paper examines these Posted on 16 Aug, 2010 12:18 PM

This paper deals with basin water use accounting and is a contribution to the synthesis work of the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food's (CPWF) Basin Focal Projects. It provides a means to assess the interactions between water, food, poverty, and the environment and helps develop sound information about water availability in a basin, where it goes and how it is used.

Emerging groundwater crisis in urban areas – A case study of Bangalore city
Urbanisation and its toll on the groundwater recharge; Bangalore losing in the bargain Posted on 16 Aug, 2010 07:14 AM

The paper by the Institute for Social and Economic Change documents the case of Ward No. 39 situated at the outskirts of the Bangalore city to understand the emerging groundwater crisis due to overdraft in urban areas. Bangalore has no perennial river, which resulted in the growth of many lakes, acting as a source of groundwater recharge earlier.

Dams and development: A new framework for decision-making - A World Commission on Dams report
The big fight: Are dams a necessity of urbanisation? Or, Are they destroyers of Natural resourse? Posted on 15 Aug, 2010 01:51 PM

This report by the World Commission on Dams begins by arguing that the debate about dams is a much broader issue and is important for everyone since it is a debate about the very meaning, purpose and pathways for achieving development. It is complex because the issues are not confined to the design, construction and operation of dams themselves, but include a range of social, environmental and political choices that define development.

Dams fundamentally alter rivers and the use of a natural resource, frequently entailing a reallocation of benefits from local riparian users to new groups of beneficiaries at a regional or national level. At the heart of the dams debate are fundamental issues of equity, governance, justice and power. The report argues that the main challenge lies in reconciling the competing needs between different groups of actors and provides a framework to deal with these fundamental issues in the dam debate.

Increasing groundwater dependency and declining urban water quality – A comparative analysis of four South Indian cities
The quality of water and the dependency on groundwater in four South Indian cities Posted on 15 Aug, 2010 07:18 AM

This paper by the Institute of Social and Economic Change (ISEC) examines the extent of groundwater dependency and quality status in four South Indian cities viz., Hubli, Dharwad, Belgaum and Kolar cities. Widespread water shortage problems have resulted in increased dependency on groundwater with tapping the resources to unsustainable levels. In Karnataka, out of 208 urban local bodies that come under Karnataka Urban Water Supply and Drainage Board, 41 depend on groundwater.

Modeling of a coastal aquifer in Goa using FEFLOW – A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
Modeling sea water in Goa to evaluate increase in groundwater development Posted on 14 Aug, 2010 11:49 AM

The study by National Institute of Hydrology attempts to model seawater intrusion using FEFLOW, an interactive finite element simulation system in the coastal area of Bardez taluka in North Goa and evaluate the impact of increasing groundwater development on the phenomenon. Coastal tracts of Goa are rapidly being transformed into settlement areas and the poor water supply facilities have encouraged people to develop their own sources of water by digging or boring wells.

Simulation of soil moisture movement in Barchi watershed in hard rock region of Karnataka using SWIM model – A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
Simulation of soil moisture movement and determination of groundwater recharge from rainfall Posted on 14 Aug, 2010 06:08 AM

This study by the National Institute of Hydrology deals with simulation of soil moisture movement and determination of groundwater recharge from rainfall in Barchi watershed in the hard rock region of Karnataka using the numerical model, Soil Water Infiltration and Movement (SWIM).
