Training course on Data Analysis, Visualization and Interpretation

Objectives of the course:

To equip the participants with essential techniques of data analysis using simple graphical, deterministic and statistical tools.

Course content:

Techniques and methods of handling following types of data encountered frequently by NGO workers:

  1. Time series data (Ex: Yearly rainfall, monthly ground water level data etc.)
  2. Analyzing relationships among lumpedparameter data (Ex: rainfall-crop yieldmarket prices-income data of farmers)
  3. Situation analysis data (Ex: current status of household sanitation; access to potable water supply etc.)
  4. Geographically-varying data (Ex: child births, infant mortality, ground water quality, soil fertility, distance to health center etc.)
  5. Qualitative data (Ex: measuring behavioral change, awareness, skill improvement, empowerment, sustainability of CBOs etc.)

For more details about the training course, download the event brochure from below.

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Post By: Swati Bansal