Down to Earth's cover story on the water purifier market
Down to Earth's cover story on the water purifier market
The restoration of Nainital lake
The restoration of Nainital lake
"Water MOVES"-Newsletter from SPWD
"Water MOVES"-Newsletter from SPWD
Microfinance for safe drinking water-ACCESS & HUL partnership
On the occassion of World Water Day 2008, ACCESS talks about its work in using microfinance to obtain safe drinking water.
"Himalaya: Man and Nature": Newsletter, Nov 2007 in English and Hindi
"Himalaya: Man and Nature": Newsletter, Nov 2007 in English and Hindi
"Clean Your Act" - New book from CSE
New book from Center for Science and Environment: A practical book and film package on treating wastewater.
New book - "Governance of Water"
GOVERNANCE OF WATER: Institutional Alternatives and Political Economy
SAFEWAT: Water purification system by Population Services International
SAFEWAT: Water purification system by Population Services International
National Consultation Meet on developing a Citizens Report on water and sanitation in New Delhi
National Consultation: Citizens Report on Water and Sanitation
Vijayawada Municipality : Subsidising individual piped water connections to the urban poor
Vijayawada Municipality : Subsidising individual piped water connections to the urban poor