Determination of toxicity of paper mill effluents - Saharanpur (Uttar Pradesh) - A study by People's Science Institute
The study aims at determining the threshold toxicity level of paper mill effluent in the receiving water body
Fluoride testing and fluorosis mitigation in Sonabhadra district of Uttar Pradesh - A study by People's Science Institute
The study reveals high level of fluoride concentration in both groundwater and surface water sources of most of the villages in the district
Guidelines for drinking water quality - World Health Organisation (2008)
World Health Organisation provide the guidelines for drinking water quality to protect public health. These guidelines vary among countries and regions
Maharashtra's experience on implementation of groundwater act: a presentation
A presentation on issues that led to groundwater act of Maharashtra, experiences and lessons learnt from the implementation
Know about the water you consume - quality parameters, diseases and water treatment
The document is a guide that details drinking water quality parameters, treatment and disease protection
Heavily polluting industries identified by Ministry of Environment & Forests
Ministry of Environment & Forests identifies 64 types of large, medium and small-scale industries and classifies them as "Red Category" on the basis of the emissions or hazardous waste they generate
Central Pollution Control Board conducts stream classification on the basis of designated best use
The classification sets primary water quality criteria to Indian rivers, in order to understand the best use of water
The Bihar groundwater (regulation and control of development and management) act (2006)
The act aims to regulate and control the development and management of groundwater in Bihar
Master plan for artificial recharge of groundwater in India (2002) and its critical assessment and suggestions for revision
CGWB plans to harness monsoon run-off through artificial recharge techniques, but the critical assessment of the plan show doubts about its implementation
World Health Organisation provides fact sheets of water-related diseases, their causes and measures for prevention
World Health Organisation provides information on number of water related diseases, their causes, distribution, scope of the problem and interventions to control the disease
GIS based correlation between groundwater quality parameters and geological units: a research paper
The paper introduces the methodology to correlate groundwater quality parameters and geological units using statistical analysis through GIS
Mapping chlorophyll-a in upper lake Bhopal using IRS-1C data: a study
The study finds direct relation between areas showing high concentration of chl-a and untreated sewage
Spatial modelling approach to water pollution monitoring in the sugar belt of Maharashtra along the Krishna river
The study finds Satara-Sangli stretch of Krishna basin, Maharashtra, highly polluted by human induced activities and suggests economically feasible technologies to mitigate the degradation
Selected papers on the social aspects of arsenic and arsenic mitigation in Bangladesh
The document provides information on social aspects on arsenic contamination of drinking water, gender concerns in arsenic mitigation, arsenic crisis and human rights issues in Bangladesh
Fluorosis in Gujarat - a disaster ahead: a study by Carewater
The study aims at understanding the socioeconomic impact of fluoride contamination of groundwater on villagers of North Gujarat
Social impact of high incidence of kidney stones: a study of coastal villages in Junagadh (Gujarat)
The study aims at understanding the socioeconomic impacts of prevalence of kidney stones in the region and concludes that the problem incurred high social cost and need immediate attention
The West Bengal groundwater resources (management, control and regulation) act (2005)
The act aims to manage, control and regulate indiscriminate extraction of ground water in West Bengal
The Tamil Nadu groundwater (development and management) act (2003)
The act aims to protect groundwater resources from over exploitation and to ensure its planned development and proper management in Tamil Nadu
Groundwater and well-water quality in the alluvial aquifer of central Gujarat - a paper by Carewater
The paper recommends urgent requirement of increased aquifer monitoring in central Gujarat, spreading awareness and using proper water treatment procedures to combat groundwater pollution
Impacts of groundwater contamination with fluoride and arsenic - Affliction severity, medical cost and wage loss in Indian villages
The study found that fluoride and arsenic contamination had high cost on society and concluded that government agencies and individuals need to get more attentive to address the issue