The Kerala page of the Central Ground Water Board
The links to the Kerala page of the Central Ground Water Board and the 2004 Water Level Monitoring Report are available here.
Information about Jalanidhi: A World Bank-assisted Kerala Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project
Link to Kerala Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project - Jalnidhi's - website
Drinking water assessment and decentralized management plan for Abdasa taluka of Kachchh dstrict in Gujarat
This document deals with an assessment of drinking water status of Abdasa taluk of Kachch district, done by Sahajeevan, as part of an intervention program.
Website of the Water Resource Departments of the Government of MP
The link to the website of the Water Resource Departments of the Government of MP containing Ground water assessments, Ground water maps, and ground water availability, policy and acts.
Groundwater contamination near the Union Carbide plant at Bhopal: a draft research report
The idea of this monitoring was to test the probability of toxic wastes leaching from Union Carbide plant into the groundwater
Water and sanitation in rural areas of Madhya Pradesh - a paper by WaterAid
The paper concludes that the current state of water and sanitation in Madhya Pradesh falls short on equity, inclusion, water security and sustainability of water sources
Fluoride-free drinking water supply in North Gujarat - the rise of reverse osmosis plants as a cottage industry
The objective of the study was to focus on plants supplying good and safe water to consumers under ‘packed drinking water’ category, its clientele and to estimate future of this ‘sunrise’ industry
Preparation of guidelines for drinking water protection in Abadasa taluka in Kutch district of Gujarat
This deals with the preparation of guidelines for drinking water protection in Abadasa taluka in Kutch district of Gujarat as a part of a research study (in progress)
Taluk level rainfall data and analysis for all the districts in Maharashtra from the state government's agricultural department
Rainfall information for all districts upto the taluka level for the whole of Maharashtra
Longitudinal bacteriological study of drinking water quality in rural western Maharashtra and its effects on changes in local drinking water management practices
The study was conducted with an aim to check bacteriological quality of rural water supply in western Maharashtra
Status of groundwater in Wardha: A report from the Central Ground Water Board
The report lists out recommendations to utilize groundwater in Wardha, Maharashtra in an effective manner and is complete with data relating to geomorphology and the status of groundwater
Modelling saline water intrusion in Bardez taluk of Goa
This study attempts to simulate and evaluate the impacts of seawater intrusion in one part of North Goa using FEFLOW to find the most sensitive parameters affecting the simulation
Taluka-level GIS database for Maharashtra, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh
A database of the spread of and expenditure on watershed development programmes in 3 states of India, enables easy visualisation of the regional variation in the data.
Micro-watershed database for Maharashtra: Compilation by FoRWARD
This spreadsheet compiled by FoRWaRD contains taluk/tehsil level data of the status of recent and current watershed projects in Maharashtra