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The UNDP Water Governance Facility (WGF) at the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) is a unique initiative that supports developing countries in their efforts to strengthen water governance and reduce poverty through policy support and advisory services. The latest newsletter from the Water Governance Facility provides updates on activities initiated & much more.
Some highlights are: WGF in Action: From the World Water Forum
At the 5th World Water Forum, 15-22 March, Istanbul, WGF participated in several events. At the seminar Beyond Water Bribes: How to build a corruption-resistant water sector Dr. HÃ¥kan Tropp gave a key note presentation Corruption: The Missing Link in Water Governance. WGF also co-authored parts of the World Water Development Report, 2009: Water in a Changing World, and attended its launch 16 March. Water Adaptation in NAPAs: Freshwater in Climate Adaptation Planning and Climate Adaptation in Freshwater Planning
Climate change will seriously affect the availability of water resources. At best, responses in most developing countries so far have been slow. WGF developed the UNDP Side Publication to the WWDR3 called "Water Adaptation in NAPAs: Freshwater in Climate Adaptation Planning and Climate Adaptation in Freshwater Planning", which investigates water adaptation in the on-going formulation and implementation of National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs).
Understanding the Issues
Anti-corruption in the Water Sector - 2 New Issue Sheets from WGF Corruption plagues water resources management, water supply and sanitation service provision, hydropower, and irrigation in agriculture. Yet, the systematic means to prevent and punish corruption in the governance of water are often absent. WGF Issue Sheet No. 2 presents tools and strategies for to curb corruption in the water sector.
Gender and Water - New Issue sheet highlights Gender
Water management activities gain efficiency and impact when both women and men are involved in decision-making. WGF Issue Sheet No. 3 explains why and how to mainstream gender in water governance.
Ongoing Programme Updates
GoAL WASH Governance, Advocacy and Leadership to Achieve the MDGs UNDP's GoAL-WaSH (Governance, Advocacy, Leadership in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) programme is working around the world providing targeted water governance interventions that amplify each nation's government initiatives. Examples include: Madagascar - National co-ordination, planning and capacity-building Zambia - Consumer representation and more effective information dissemination Mongolia TBC shortly Paraguay - National co-ordination and planning, policy, strategies to reach MDGs. • Mali Supporting 166 Councils prepare and implement local WASH plans
Poverty, Wealth and Water Initiative
The Poverty Wealth Water Initiative seeks to quantify the economic benefits of water investments at a national level. A recent WGF/SEI scoping mission to Uganda and Kenya gained strong support from the national governments; and the Facility has been approached by other African governments requesting PWWI assistance.