Giving this information in written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha on the average annual rainfall and rainwater harvesting, Shri Salman Khurshid, Minister of Water Resources, said that rain water is harvested through surface storages and recharge of ground water.The total storage capacity created through major and medium projects is around 225 BCM. The data on quantum of rainwater harvested through groundwater recharging is 433 BCM. Ministry of Water Resources does not maintain the data on quantum of water harvested due to manmade structures separately.It is estimated that the water utilized in 2010 is about 681 BCM.
Shri Khurshid informed the House that as water is a State subject, it is primarily the responsibility of the State Government to plan, fund and to execute rainwater harvesting schemes. However, the Union Government has taken following steps to create awareness and to encourage States to implement rainwater harvesting projects.