Rainfall-runoff modeling in Baitarni river upto Anandpur using HEC-1 model - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology

The study applies a hydraulic simulation model, Hydrologic Engineering Centre (HEC-1) to Baitarni river for modeling hourly flows of the river at Anandapur gauging site. HEC-1 model had been developed by US Army Corps of Engineers, for rainfall-runoff modeling. It provides a powerful automatic optimization technique for estimation of some of the parameters. The optimization technique of the model has been utilized in the present study and model parameters have been calibrated and validated for the study area.

The model has been designed to simulate the response and flood events of a basin to precipitation events. In the present study, the HEC-1 model has been successfully used for simulation of peak flood. Hourly discharge data, hourly and daily rainfall data were used for calibration and validation of the model for years 1991 to 1994.

The model parameters such as time of concentration, storage coefficient and initial & constant loss rate parameters were optimized and fixed for the basin during calibration. Clark technique was employed for developing the unit hydrograph and an empirical equation was utilized for baseflow separation.

The simulation results show fairly good peak flood, stream volumes and hydrograph for the calibrated model. However, the model could have shown better results if sufficient data was available.  

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Post By: rajshekar