Modeling of flow in the canal due to breach of bank - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology

The study develops the wavelet element method for hydrological application purposes in general and modeling of flow in a canal due to breach of bank in particular. Due to high seasonal variability of rainfall and cyclones in coastal India, flood discharges cause frequent breaching of canals.

Canal breach modeling is of great significance in open channel hydraulics. The study of breach of a canal is a relatively new one as compared to dam breach, which is a well researched field. The analysis of the problem is complicated due to dynamics of flow within the canal. The limitations of the above model due to the one-dimensional model analysis of the problem is hoped to be overcome in two or three dimensional analysis.

Wavelet element method is a new approach to modeling. It is a fast developing field with promise of exciting and varied applications in engineering and hydrology. The analysis and the framework for the work of simulation have been carried out in this report.

Wavelet analysis is a method to separate the data into different frequencies and systematically study each component with a resolution matched to scale. They have distinct advantages over the Fourier methods. The fundamental concepts are reviewed, synthesized and discussed comprehensively and canal breach method is described for future pragmatic applications.

The major finding of the complex mathematical development is that it can prove to be vital in hydraulic and hydrological applications in future.

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Post By: rajshekar