Institutional history of watershed research in India - the evolution of ICRISAT's work on natural resources in India

This report titled "Institutional History of Watershed Research in India - The evolution of ICRISAT's work on natural resources in India", by Dr C Shambu Prasad, A J Hall and S P Wani, published by ICRISAT, is a case study of watershed-based development initiatives at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). It seeks to reveal the way scientists and development practitioners work and how they are shaped by the diversity of partners involved and thereby draw process lessons for ongoing and future work on watersheds in international agricultural research centers (IARCs).

By tracing the various ups and downs of ICRISAT's thirty-year involvement in NRM research, this report points to the need for greater sensitivity in research design towards addressing institutional constraints that prevent faster learning and the need for evolving mechanisms to enable real time learning in projects.

This document has been made available from the website of The Centre for Research on Innovation and Science Policy, which is a non-profit research organization, that promotes research in the area of innovation policy in relation to agriculture and rural development. For more details, please check here

Click here for the case study


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Post By: Rama Mani