Ideas for celebration of World Water Day on March 22 in Orissa

Message on behalf of WATER RIGHTS ORISSA

As you are already aware, the World Water Day will be celebrated on March 22. In the meeting of Orissa Water Forum, we have decided to celebrate this in a big way.  As you know, Orissa's Water Problems have many dimensions and it is important that the Civil Society Organisations respond vigorously on each of the issues. Our primary goal is to achieve Water Security for All. Our task is to involve each citizen.We invite suggestions how this will be celebrated across the state and what will be our common theme. It is important that the public events are organised at all places - villages, towns, district headquarters and state capital. We can have street corner meetings, Essay and Debate Competitions among  the students, Rallys and Padayatras, Publication and Dissemination of Posters and other IEC materials.

My suggestion is that Orissa Water Forum will constitute an organising committee to plan for the celebration.

We welcome suggestions from one and all to make the World Water Day Celebration a great success.

Looking forward to your inputs and comments,

Achyut Das


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