Drought in Andhra Pradesh - Long term impacts and adaptation strategies - A report by the World Bank

This report published by the World Bank consists of two volumes.

Volume 1 is divided into the following chapters:
Chapter1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Drought And Andhra Pradesh’s Economy: Historical Perspective
Chapter 3: Methodological Framework
Chapter 4: Reducing Vulnerability Of Agriculture To Drought In Eight Drought-Prone Districts
Chapter 5: Managing Economic Impact of Drought at the State Level
Chapter 6: Conclusions and recommendations

 Volume 2 includes Technical annexes:
Annex 1: Definition of droughts
Annex 2: Drought programmes existing in Andhra Pradesh
Annex 3: Weather generator (WXGEN) in epic
Annex 4: EPIC- Crop Growth Model
Annex 5: Planting area model
Annex 6: Stochastic crop production loss model
Annex 7: Input-Output analysis for Andhra Pradesh
Annex 8: Structure of Andhra Pradesh economy

Download the two reports from below:

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Post By: Rama Mani