Countdown to the U.S. climate change bill which is to be filed on September 30th

The past week shall go down in climate history as the most active period in climate parley, punctuated with a frenzy of debates and compromises on the international table. 

Starting with the UN Summit on Climate Change at New York, on Tuesday, with no tangible results, the climate talks moved on to Pittsburgh on Friday, the 25th of September. World leaders of the G 20 countries gathered there to pledge the phasing out of fossil fuel subsidies.

While the deadlock in climate negotiations did not break, India has proved its willingness and mettle in combating climate change. Its agressive role in the power-play has led to the U.S declaring it would file the Climate Change Bill in the Senate tomorrow. The world and the ongoing UN convention at Bangkok are waiting with bated breath for the outcome of this Bill that will shape the future of the world’s climate map.


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Path Alias


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