Bookshelf: Groundwater Management and Policies

Author(s):Dr K Palanisami, Dr C Ramasamy, Dr Chieko Umetsu


Imprint:Macmillan Publishers India


Trim Size:8.5"x11"



List Price:Rs. 750.00


One of the impressive developments that have taken place in Indian agriculture after independence is groundwater development and management. India is among the foremost countries in the world practicing large scale irrigation. However the gaps between potential and utilization has been increasing over the years. Groundwater Management and Policies consists of contributions grouped under four themes viz., six research articles on Increasing Water Efficiency / Productivity, three on CPR in Recharging Groundwater, six papers on Groundwater Management and Coping Mechanisms and six on Water Policy Issues. About Author(s) Dr. K.Palanisami is an Agricultural Economist who has been working on key issues relating to water, land management and water policy aspects for the past 23 years. He has published 17 books and 12 papers in international journals. He was the Director of the Water Technology Centre during 2000-2006 and Chairman of the project implementation team of More Crop and Income per Drop Programme, 2007 of the Ministry of Water Resources, Govt. of India. Dr. C. Ramasamy, is an Agricultural Economist with over 30 years of experience. He obtained his Ph.D from the University of Minnesota, USA in 1980. Currently, he is the Vice-Chancellor, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. Dr. Chieko Umetsu is an Associate Professor of Resource and Environmental Economics, Research Institute of Humanity and Nature (RIHN), Kyoto, Japan. She received her M.A. from the International University of Japan, and Ph.D. from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, USA. She is currently a project leader of "Vulnerability and Resilience of Social-Ecological Systems". For more information & to buy online: Groundwater Management and Policies

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