Amita Bhaduri

Union Budget 2023-24: Poor need more focused attention
Reduced allocation to MGNREGA will reduce employment days available, let alone solve the question of payment of pending wages. Amita Bhaduri posted 1 year 5 months ago
Women farmers at work in their vegetable plots near Kullu (Image: Neil Palmer (CIAT)/Wikimedia Commons)
Locally comprehensible and actionable forecasts
Uncovering knowledge and communication gaps in climate resilience realities - lessons from Indian Sundarbans Amita Bhaduri posted 1 year 5 months ago
Broken houses of village in Gosaba Islands as water flooded their houses after Cyclone Aila struck this island in Sunderbans in West Bengal (Image: Anil Gulati/India Water Portal)
Study reveals Indian dams to lose 26% water storage capacity by 2050
Annually, the globally averaged losses amount to approximately 0.36% of initial global storage capacity. Amita Bhaduri posted 1 year 5 months ago
Hirakud Dam is the longest dam in India (Image: India Water Portal)
Budget 2023-24: Drinking water supply and sanitation continues to get priority
Budgetary allocations for urban sanitation get an impetus, but Swachh Bharat Mission – Rural (SBM-R) records no change in its budgetary allocation Amita Bhaduri posted 1 year 5 months ago
An amount of Rs 1840 crore has been approved to effecvely implement Water Security Plans through convergence of ongoing/new schemes (Image: Pavitra K B Rao, Wikimedia Commons)
Union Budget 2023-24: A detailed analysis with a water lens
A detailed analysis of Union Budget 2023-24 from the water lens Amita Bhaduri posted 1 year 5 months ago
(Image: Utthan/India Water Portal Flickr)
India issues notice to Pakistan to renegotiate Indus Waters Treaty to optimise water use
Policy matters this month Amita Bhaduri posted 1 year 5 months ago
Indus River between Domkhar and Skurbuchen (Image: Keith Goyden, India Water Portal Flickr)
Participatory development needed for eco-sensitive Himalayan region
A comprehensive review of the many development projects in the planning and early implementation stages needs to be done Amita Bhaduri posted 1 year 5 months ago
Need to declare Himalayas as an eco-sensitive zone (Image: Bibek Raj Pandeya, Wikimedia Commons)
Blue-green infrastructure solutions for resilient cities
A 10-city study on the impacts of urbanization on natural infrastructure in India Amita Bhaduri posted 1 year 5 months ago
Study indicates that blue-green spaces in core-city and peripheral areas are differentially impacted by the growing urban footprint (Image: Emmanuel Dyan)
Can rice residues be turned into wealth?
Institutional support, monetary and proper implementation of laws along with policy framework can solve this issue, says a state-of-the-art review in crop residue burning in India Amita Bhaduri posted 1 year 6 months ago
A controlled burn on long-term conservation agriculture trials (Image: CIMMYT)
Local recycling of moisture via wetlands and forests high in North-East India
Floods in Brahmaputra greatly increases the surficial water availability in low lying floodplains and wetlands, promoting enhanced recycling via evaporation. Amita Bhaduri posted 1 year 6 months ago
The region with its vast wetlands and forest cover is akin to the Amazon (Image: Ashwin Kumar, Wikimedia Commons)
How to save Joshimath?
The sinking town points to the climate change risks faced in vulnerable areas such as the Himalayas Amita Bhaduri posted 1 year 6 months ago
Warnings were being given for some decades that Joshimath would sink one day (Image: Vaibhav, Wikimedia Commons)
Creating a pool of water quality trainers at scale
Developing core skills of trainers through the Trainer Certification Program Amita Bhaduri posted 1 year 6 months ago
Strengthening skills of participants to impart training in their respective work areas (Image: INREM Foundation)
Fostering innovation in the green cooling sector
India’s cooling strategy can simultaneously mitigate the heat-related risks on lives and livelihoods, lower carbon emissions, and position India as a global hub for green cooling manufacturing. Amita Bhaduri posted 1 year 6 months ago
Can India meet its growing domestic demand while also position itself as a manufacturing hub for cooling technologies? (Image: Gije Cho, CC)
Radiation not a pollutant, says Pollution Control Committee
Policy matters this fortnight Amita Bhaduri posted 1 year 6 months ago
DPCC claims there is no convincing scientific evidence of causing adverse health effects of radiation (Image: CC0 Public Domain)
Microplastics in tributaries of the Upper Ganga River
First report on microplastics in tributaries of Upper Ganga River along Dehradun Amita Bhaduri posted 1 year 6 months ago
Microplastics (Image: Oregon State University, Wikimedia Commons)
Localised impacts of irrigation on economic development
Results show the impacts of agricultural productivity boosts in India can be highly heterogeneous Amita Bhaduri posted 1 year 6 months ago
Buckingham canal near Kasturba Nagar, Adyar (Image: India Water Portal)
An index for impact monitoring of water infrastructure
A study develops a prototype method by employing the remote sensing-based ecological index Amita Bhaduri posted 1 year 6 months ago
rigorous post-implementation monitoring and impact assessment of assets is needed (Image: UN Women)
Food and nutrition security during disasters
Food assistance generally emerges as the most essential lifesaving need that requires immediate attention after every disaster Amita Bhaduri posted 1 year 6 months ago
There is a scope to bring focus of food security and nutrition in plans and policies on climate change (Biswarup Ganguly, Wikimedia Commons)
Solar powered micro-sprinkler irrigation system for semi-arid tropics
Efficient and cost-effective irrigation system matching the small-scale water harvesting and storage systems is much needed Amita Bhaduri posted 1 year 6 months ago
There is a need to need to develop solar powered micro-sprinkler system considering the techno-socio-economic situation of the small holders of the dryland region. (Image: Rawpixel; Free CC0)
Best practices for flood resilient cities
A basket of solutions that Indian cities can choose based on their need and priority Amita Bhaduri posted 1 year 7 months ago
East Kolkata Wetland (Image: Dibyendu Ash; Wikimedia Commons)