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April 18, 2024 As the demand for water from the Hindu Kush Himalaya region is expected to rise due to population growth, the impacts of temperature increases, and development requirements, researchers emphasise the urgent need to enhance scientific collaboration and rejuvenate existing treaties and governance structures.
Rivers of destiny (Image: Vikramjit Kakati/Wikimedia Commons; CC BY-SA 3.0 DEED)
February 20, 2024 This study predicts that sewage will become the dominant source of nitrogen pollution in rivers due to urbanisation and insufficient wastewater treatment technologies and infrastructure in worse case scenario projections in countries such as India.
The polluted river Yamuna at Agra (Image Source: India Water Portal)
October 16, 2023 अब वह दिन दूर नहीं कि गंगाजल की तरह सरयू जल को भी बोतल में सुरक्षित किया जा सकेगा और वह खराब नहीं होगा।सरयू नदी में पाए जाने वाले जीवाणु एवं विषाणुओं पर अध्ययन हेतु विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी मंत्रालय के विज्ञान एवं अभियांत्रिकी विभाग की आर्थिक सहायता प्राप्त की है। इनके निर्देशन में शोध छात्रों द्वारा अस्पताल में संक्रमण करने वाले जीवाणुओं की पहचान और उनकी एंटीबायोटिक प्रतिरोधी बनने पर अध्ययन किया जा रहा है।
गंगा नदी,गंगोत्री
October 8, 2023 While the current push for legal personhood for rivers is facing obstacles and is stalled, it holds potential as a viable long-term strategy for the preservation of India's rivers
River quality deteriorates as demand for hydropower to support economic growth continues to expand. (Image: Yogendra Singh Negi, Wikimedia Commons; CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED)
July 18, 2023 पश्चिमबंगाल पंचायत चुनाव-2023 में पर्यावरण एक बड़ा अहम मुद्दा बना। नदी और पर्यावरण राजनीतिक दलों के एजेंडे से कहीं अधिक आम लोगों के आकर्षण का केन्द्र बने।
पश्चिमबंगाल पंचायत चुनाव
June 17, 2023 सहस्त्रधारा-बाल्दी नदी के किनारे के धनौला गांव में नदी पर अवैध निर्माण गतिविधियों के मुद्दे को सबसे पहले याचिकाकर्ता मीनाक्षी अरोड़ा ने उठाया था, जिनका इस साल 6 मार्च 2023 को निधन हो गया। उनके पति केसर सिंह अब सहस्त्रधारा-बाल्दी नदी मामले की पैरवी कर रहे हैं।

सहस्त्रधारा-बाल्दी नदी पर अतिक्रमण,फोटो सभागार:- केसर सिंह
Statistical analysis of water quality data of river Yamuna: A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study models the variations in water quality parameters of Yamuna river by means of stochastic approach using Central Water Commission’s monthly data for the period 1990-95. Posted on 21 Jun, 2010 01:58 AM

The study models the variations in water quality parameters of Yamuna river by means of stochastic approach using Central Water Commission’s monthly data for the period 1990-95 and makes projections for the year 1996. The results obtained for different water quality variables have been compared with the observed values and were found to be satisfactory. 

Surface and groundwater quality studies in Ghataprabha representative basin - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study analyses the surface and groundwater quality of Ghataprabha representative basin in Karnataka during pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons. Posted on 21 Jun, 2010 01:15 AM

The study analyses the surface and groundwater quality of Ghataprabha representative basin during pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons. It looks at the primary impact of land use and cropping pattern on water quality using physico-chemical analysis, geo-chemical classification of groundwater samples and monitoring of groundwater quality.

Streeter-Phelp’s model is applied to understand the variation of dissolved oxygen along the course of the river from a point source. The study attempts to understand the impact of irrigation return-flow and use of pesticides, fertilizers & manures on surface and groundwater quality. The literature review offered indicates a dearth of studies on the subject for hard rock catchments and puts forward the need to do basin-wide as against area-wide studies.

Estimation of irrigation return flow in Lokapavani area of KR Sagar command in Karnataka - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study deals with the estimation of hydrological soil properties of the area of Lokapavani River in KR Sagar Command in Mandya district of Karnataka. Posted on 21 Jun, 2010 12:22 AM

The study deals with the estimation of hydrological soil properties of the area of Lokapavani River in KR Sagar Command in Mandya district of Karnataka. The properties determined are soil texture, porosity, saturated hydraulic conductivity, specific gravity and soil moisture characteristics.

The disturbed and undisturbed soil samples from eighteen locations along different depths were collected and analyzed. Eighty-five disturbed soil samples were used to determine the grain size distribution, porosity, specific gravity and soil moisture characteristic curves with the help of electromagnetic sieve shaker, master sizer, GeoPyc and pressure plate apparatus. Twenty undisturbed soil samples were used to determine saturated hydraulic conductivity with ICW Permeameter.

Surface water quality assessment of river Kali with special emphasis on non point source of pollution – A research report by the National Institute of Hydrology
The study conducts an extensive water quality survey in sixteen reaches of Kali river in western Uttar Pradesh to estimate the inflow of two major nutrients from point and non-point sources. Posted on 20 Jun, 2010 11:52 PM

The study conducts an extensive water quality survey in sixteen reaches of Kali river in western Uttar Pradesh to estimate the inflow of two major nutrients (nitrate and phosphate) from point and non-point sources. The study intends to validate the present model based on the principle of conservation of mass and reaction kinetics phenomenon.

Data was taken for one annual cycle on a monthly basis and criteria developed to compute the non point source load from nine sub-basins in various stretches of the river. The computed loads at each section obtained from the predictive equation have been compared with the values observed in the field. The performance of the developed equation has been evaluated using percentage error estimation and correlation statistics. Remote sensing and geographical information systems (GIS) have been used to develop correlation between basin characteristics and non-point source loads.

Tairne wala samaj doob raha hai: An essay by Anupam Mishra on the Bihar Floods
An essay by Anupam Mishra written in the context of the floods in Bihar, and examines the various cause & effect facets of the floods Posted on 18 Jun, 2010 09:55 PM

Small and big dams and big embankments were constructed in this region, without understanding the nature of the rivers which have always changed course or overshot their banks. Assuming however, that the river will not change course, the Government adopted a skewed development program - that of building embankments to contain the river.

Renukaji Dilli Ke Nalon Mein - A documentary about the movement against the proposed Renukaji Dam Project
In perspective: citizens of Delhi and Renuka Valley. Wondering how Delhi is in the national interest and Renuka valley is not? Posted on 18 Jun, 2010 05:22 PM

The Renuka Dam Project proposed over the river Giri Ganga (a tributary of the Yamuna) located some 300km away from Delhi, is a joint project of the governments of Himachal Pradesh (HP) and Delhi, to be constructed by the Himachal Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (HPPCL) in Sirmaur district of HP.

Renukaji Dam Sketch courtesy: Hill Post
Historical evolution of tank system in Bangalore city - A presentation
The presentation emphasises the important role that the tank system has played in the development of the city of Bangalore along with its working and evolution. Posted on 12 Jun, 2010 05:54 PM

Water Tank System of BangaloreThe presentation from the ENVIS - CES (IISc) website, emphasises the important role that the tank system has played in the development of the city of Bangalore and highlights:

  •  The principles behind the working of the tank system
  • The process of evolution of the tank system with respect to the growth of the city
  • The underlying planning principles that were used in the tank system
  • The role and importance of water tanks as an asset to the city
  • The relationship between the system of tanks and the city of Bangalore
  • The usefulness of the tanks as an important source of drinking water and agriculture in lean periods
Water quality status of rivers Tungabhadra, Cauvery and Kabini - KSPCB (2007)
The documents from the KSPCB website, provide monthly water quality status data, for the rivers Tungabhadra, Cauvery and Kabini, monitored between January to June 2007. Posted on 12 Jun, 2010 01:36 PM

These two documents from the KSPCB website, provide monthly water quality status data, for the rivers Tungabhadra, Cauvery and Kabini, monitored between January to June 2007, at various points along the rivers.

The data recorded are Temperature, pH, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Faecal Coliform.

Draft of “The Dam Safety Bill, 2010” approved
The press release is about the Union Cabinet's approval for the proposal of the Ministry of Water Resources' The Dam Safety Bill, enacted on May 13 2010.
Posted on 08 Jun, 2010 06:24 PM

As per the Press Information Bureau's press release, the Union Cabinet has approved the proposal of the Ministry of Water Resources for enacting The Dam Safety Bill, on May 13 2010. The Bill is to be introduced in the Parliament.

The main objectives of the legislation are:-

• The new legislation will help the States in adopting uniform dam safety procedures which shall ensure safety of dams and safeguard benefits from such dams.

Dams on Himalayan rivers: How good is the science?
This article highlights the recent plans of the central and state governments of constructing a large number of dams on Himalayan rivers. Posted on 08 Jun, 2010 05:38 PM

This brief article by Prof Jayanta Bandyopadhyay in the May 16-31 2010 issue of Business Economics magazine, highlights the recent plans of the central and state goverments of constructing a large number of dams on Himalayan rivers. Environmentalists continue to consistently argue against the construction of dams that are built without respect for ecological sciences and warn that this could lead to increase in disasters in the fragile Himalayan region.
