Transparent & participatory governance in functioning of the decision-making committees on water resources
Posted on 16 Apr, 2011 03:46 PMTo
Shri Salman Khurshid,
Union Minister of Water Resources,
Shramshakti Bhawan,
Rafi Marg,
New Delhi - 110001
2. Secretary, Union Ministry of Water Resources
3. Chairman, Central Water Commission
4. Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission
5. Member (Water), Planning Commission
6. Ms Aruna Roy, Chairperson, Working Group on Transparency, Accountability, Governance at National Advisory Council
SRI sammans for 2010-11 awarded to 35 farmers at symposium organised by Pragati in Koraput, Orissa - A report
Posted on 16 Apr, 2011 03:37 PMThese farmers were rewarded for successfully increasing the production of paddy using SRI in different parts of Koraput district.
Demography and development: Preliminary interpretations of the 2011 Census - EPW Articles
Posted on 16 Apr, 2011 11:34 AMLiteracy rates have increased sharply between 2001 and 2011; some of the low performing rates have shown strong improvements, the others have not. The dismal picture in the 2011 Census is that even as the overall sex ratio has improved due to better adult female mortality that of the child sex ratio has further deteriorated.
"I want my father back" - A 50-min film by Suma Josson on farmers' suicides in Vidarbha
Posted on 15 Apr, 2011 05:23 PM
Let Pinder river flow free - Thousands gather in people's public hearing and vow to oppose the dam
Posted on 15 Apr, 2011 05:16 PMI pray to all my friends, brothers and sisters to not join the company in turning this valley into a monstrosity!” These are the powerful words by Narmada Devi from Village Padmallah that marked the flavor of a peoples' public hearing on the Devsari HEP.
This public hearing on the 3 April 2011 saw strength of 2000 people from all proposed Devsari HEP affected and surrounding villages of the Pinder valley. The hearing was organized by Bhu Swami Sangharsh Samiti and Matu Jan Sangathan and took place at the Sangam Maidan of Block Deval, Tehsil Tharali, District Chomoli, Uttarakhand. Public hearing at Deval was a peoples' response to the project proponent hearing at Chepdu on 20 January 2011.
Forest and environment clearance given to 7 new projects in Uttarakhand - Press release by MoEF
Posted on 15 Apr, 2011 05:01 PMMembers of Parliament from Uttarakhand had a meeting with the Hon’ble Minister for Environment and Forests to discuss the matter. The projects have been appraised and approved by the Ministry’s Environmental Appraisal Committees and the Forest Appraisal Committee, after which the decision has been taken.
The projects that have been cleared include:
- Collection of stone, boulders and other minor minerals from 1497 ha area in river bed of Gola river till the end of next working season i.e. till 31.5.2012
Landmark initiative of Karnataka High Court stops the destruction and degeneration of lakes of Bangalore – ESG's submission and the report of the Committee constituted by the Court
Posted on 15 Apr, 2011 11:33 AMThe Hon'ble High Court of Karnataka in a recent landmark ruling (March 2011) accepted the report of the Karnataka High Court Legal Services Committee, which was constituted by it to examine the ground realities and prepare an action plan for the preservation of lakes in the city of Bangalore.
The issue dates back to 2008 when the Environment Support Group (ESG) filed a Public Interest Litigation challenging the privatisation of lakes in Bangalore by the Lake Development Authority. There were two key prayers in the PIL.
One was seeking "necessary directions directing (the Government) to frame a scheme for the effective administration of lakes and tanks in consonance with the Principle of Intergenerational Equity and Public Trust Doctrine, in line with the recommendations of the Lakshman Rau Committee and also in conformance with principles for wetland conservation and management as laid down by the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests".
Maharashtra gifts farmers’ water to industries - Dams, Rivers and People - Newsletter from SANDRP of March 2011
Posted on 15 Apr, 2011 08:45 AM- Maharashtra gifts farmers’ water to industries
Between 2005 & 2010, a High Powered Committee was constituted by the Maharashtra Minister for Water Resources which recommended the diversion of 1500 MCM water from 38 dams across Maharashtra to cities and industries.
Please reverse farcical decision of asking developers to do cumulative impact assessment in Sutlej Basin
Posted on 14 Apr, 2011 06:57 PMTo
Shri Jairam Ramesh
Union Minister of State (IC) of Environment and Forests,
New Delhi
Respected sir,
MoRD announces relaxation in NRDWP guidelines: Sustainability component to be reduced to 10% for 2010-11 and 2011-12
Posted on 14 Apr, 2011 05:54 PMThe MoRD has through this order, announced that this will be relaxed to 10% NRDWP funds, on a 100% Central share basis for all States.
This relaxation would be valid for 2010 – 11 and 2011 – 12. The balance 10% of NRDWP funds that will become available is to be spent on coverage of quality affected and / or non – quality affected habitations, on a 50:50 sharing basis.