Climate and Weather

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May 31, 2024 From scorching to sustainable: Building resilience against heatwaves
A multifaceted approach to urban heatwaves (Image: Sri Kolari)
April 30, 2024 As temperatures soar, what should India do to adapt to changing conditions to mitigate the adverse impacts of climate change?
Heat waves sweep across India (Image: Maxpixel, CC0 Public Domain)
November 5, 2023 Honeywell’s environmental sustainability index, a quarterly index reveals a growing number of organisations globally are boosting annual sustainability investments by at least 50%, and are optimistic about achieving short- and long-term objectives
Environmental Sustainability Index gauges movement in corporate sentiment and investment on the sustainability front. (Image: Needpix)
May 4, 2023 Climate change is expected to have significant impacts on the Indian monsoon
As per the India Meteorological Department (IMD), instances of heavy rainfall have increased by almost 85% in the country since 2012 (Image: Marina, 2009,Wikimedia Commons)
January 17, 2023 रिस्कन नदी 40 किमी लंबी है। अब तक बने 5000 से अधिक खावों का प्रभाव कहीं-कहीं दिखाई देने लगा है। लेकिन एक नदी को जिंदा होने के लिए पर्याप्त नहीं है। रिस्कन नदी को बचाने हेतु उनके द्वारा माननीय प्रधानमंत्री महोदय, माननीय जल शक्ति मंत्री भारत सरकार व माननीय मुख्यमंत्री उत्तराखंड से भी निवेदन किया गया है।
एक खाव बनती हुई
December 12, 2022 Study looks at behavioral biases in crop insurance adoption
Adoption rate of crop insurance low in India despite government efforts (Image: PxHere, CC0 Public Domain)
GIS mapping of wetlands: Strengthening indigenous peoples response to multiple-use water services (MUS)
The project 'Strengthening indigenous people’s response to multiple-use water services', supported by ARGHYAM takes people’s multiple water needs as the starting point in identifying opportunities within the water limitations & changing environment, in planning and design of existing cropping and water resource systems for up-gradation. Posted on 05 Mar, 2012 11:04 AM

Article Courtesy : Resources Centre for Sustainable Development

The interactive GIS mapping of wetlands and MUS intervention sites is one of the outputs of the project. 

Interactive layers are present on the left panel of the pdf file.

Drafting a new National water policy, 2012 without consulting the farmers would be meaningless
The efforts of Union Ministry of Water Resources and Central Water Commission to initiate a new National Water Policy is welcome.
After going through the draft of National Water Policy 2012 (draft NWP 2012) and summary record of various consultations related to it, the following comments / suggestions, particularly related to participatory irrigation management aspects, are offered for consideration:
Posted on 04 Mar, 2012 11:02 PM

Author : Phanish Sinha

Some ideas to save water in huge quantities: Letter to the 2012 Draft National Water Policy Committee
This note presents some ideas by which we can save water in huge quantities. Posted on 01 Mar, 2012 03:03 PM

Author: Shyam  Agrawal

Utilisation of human urine as a source of nutrients for banana and maize cultivation - A compilation of research papers
These papers describe the findings of experiments conducted in the fields in Nagasandra village, Doddaballapura Tq, Bangalore district for one year that studied the usefulness and impact of anthropogenic liquid waste (human urine) as a source of plant nutrient for banana and maize cultivation and evaluated the impact of the use of human urine on crop quality and yield. Posted on 01 Mar, 2012 02:24 PM

Source separated anthropogenic liquid waste (Human urine) - A potential plant nutrient for banana cultivation

In India, water problems are 'man made': Comments on the draft water policy-2012
“Man has the fundamental right to freedom, equality and adequate conditions of life, in an environment of a quality that permits a life of dignity and well-being, and he bears a solemn responsibility to protect and improve the environment for present and future generations.” Principle 1, The Stockholm Declaration Posted on 29 Feb, 2012 11:02 AM

Author : Nagesh Hegde

Draft National Water Policy 2012 - Dialogue organised by NEER Foundation, Meerut on February 18, 2012
The Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR), Government of India (GoI) has recently prepared a National Water Policy whose draft has been put up on the Ministry's website for public comments by February 27, 2012. The MoWR also stated that it would incorporate reasonable comments and suggestions into the new water policy after discussions. NEER Foundation, Meerut organized a one day intensive dialogue on February 18, 2012 at Hotel Crystal Palace, Meerut on the policy draft in which experts from across the country and farmers participated. Posted on 27 Feb, 2012 10:07 AM

Guest post by: Raman Kant Tyagi


Climate variability and change in the Himalayas: Community perceptions and responses - An ICIMOD study
This document by the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) presents the findings of a study that was designed to investigate the impact of climate and socioeconomic change on the vulnerability and livelihoods of mountain people and their coping and adaptation strategies. ICIMOD conducted a community-based vulnerability and adaptive capacity assessment in four different areas that included Uttarakhand in northwestern India (two districts), Nepal (two districts), Eastern Bhutan (two districts), and North East India (one district in Assam and one in Meghalaya). The overall aim was to contribute to enhancing the resilience of vulnerable mountain communities in the Hindu-Kush Himalayan (HKH) region to change. Posted on 22 Feb, 2012 05:30 PM

The general objectives of the assessments were:

New water policy more contentious; least helpful in tackling existing issues
The new water policy (NWP) draft 2012 is reportedly replete with more contentious issues and least helpful in tackling existing issues. The formulation of new draft policy has been facilitated in an undemocratic way sans participation of all stakeholders. Undoubtedly the draft explicitly states that water needs to be managed as a community resource held by the state under public trust doctrine, but concurrently it underscores the need to treat water as an “economic good”. Instead of treating water as ‘economic good’, it should be treated as sustainable development instrument. Posted on 22 Feb, 2012 12:34 PM

Author : Dr. Arvind Kumar

Impacts of climate change on public health in India - Future research directions - Paper published in Environmental Health Perspectives
This paper discusses the observed relationships between climate variability and human health. Posted on 19 Feb, 2012 11:00 PM

This paper published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives reviews the current state of the science relevant to the 2009 Joint Indo–U.S. Workshop on Climate Change and Health that was held in Goa, India, and, then discusses the observed relationships between climate variability and human health specifically in relation to the Indian subcontinent, highlighting future research directions.

The paper briefly summarises relevant literature on the impacts of climate change in India and touches upon the opportunities and significant challenges associated with designing, initiating, and conducting research, as well as pursuing related public health programming to improve public health infrastructure in the face of climate change. The paper argues that such research is needed to pave the way for unique and pioneering solutions that can improve public health in the face of increasing climate variability.

Social exclusion in watershed development: Evidence from the Indo-German watershed development project in Maharashtra - A LEAD paper
This paper examines social exclusion of resource-poor groups in developmental programmes targeted at them through the lens of watershed programmes. Posted on 18 Feb, 2012 03:08 PM

Marginalized communities are excluded from a say in the creation of policies. 

A bar chart illustrating level of participation in SHGs against landholding status
