Policies, Laws and Regulations

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The environment protection act - Ministry of Environment and Forests (1986,2001,2005)
A document that describes the Environment Protection Act and explains the terms used, the powers & functions of the government and the rules & regulations for prevention, control & abatement of environmental pollution. Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 10:48 AM

The document provides the details of the Environment Protection Act (1986) and includes:

  • Information on the short title, extend and commencement of the Act
  • Definitions of terms included in the Act
  • General powers of the central government in implementing the Act
  • Appointment of officers and their powers and functions
  • Power of central government to give directions
  • Rules to regulate environmental pollution
  • Details of rules for prevention, control and abatement of environmental pollution
The environment protection rules - Ministry of Environment and Forests (1986)
This document provides information on the environment protection rules in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 6 and 25 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1906 (29 of 1986). Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 10:41 AM

The document describes the mechanism for implementation of the rules of the Act by providing information on the:

Draft regulatory reform bill - Secretariat for Infrastructure (Planning Commission) (2009)
This document is a draft regulatory reform bill that has been made in response to the economic liberalization process that has been claimed to distance the relationship between State ownership and its responsibility for providing infrastructure services, as compared to the earlier situation, where infrastructure was provided almost exclusively by the public sector.
This has ushered a gradual shift towards private investment in infrastructure services where independent regulation assumes a critical role.
Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 10:36 AM

The key provisions of the draft bill include an institutional framework for regulatory commissions, their role and functions, accountability to the legislature and interface with the markets and the people. The proposed bill, if enacted, will supplement the existing sector-specific laws that set out sectoral objectives.

Kerala state disaster management policy - Kerala State Disaster Management Authority (2009)
A document that highlights the need for a disaster management strategy for Kerala and includes the need, objectives and implementation steps to be taken. Posted on 11 Oct, 2010 04:28 PM

This document highlights the vulnerable status of the state in terms of natural disasters and highlights the urgent need for a disaster management strategy for the state.

The objectives of the Kerala state disaster management policy include:

  • To develop and ensure policy, institutional and techno – legal frameworks for disaster management in the state
  • To develop and maintain proactive governance and systems, and promote research and development for Disaster risk management strategies for  disaster prevention and mitigation.
  • To establish effective disaster crisis management through the organisation and management of resources and responsibilities for dealing with all aspects of emergencies with respect to response, rehabilitation and reconstruction.
  • To strengthen the capacities and resilience of vulnerable communities with special emphasis on empowerment of women and establish community level systems for pre, during and post disaster interventions.
  • To build capacities and promote positive changes in the administrative systems, procedures and personnel that would facilitate efficient and effective pre and post disaster activities.
  • To institutionalise disaster management in government as envisaged in DM Act, 2005 and to mainstream disaster management in to developmental planning.
Policy on Rain Water Harvesting - Department of Water Resources (Government of Goa) (2008)
The document provides the details of the Rainwater Harvesting policy for the State of Goa and is aimed at providing guidance to all the concerned departments for the implementation of the policy. Posted on 11 Oct, 2010 04:24 PM

This document provides the details of the Rainwater Harvesting policy for the State of Goa and is aimed at providing guidance to all the concerned departments for the implementation of the policy in the state and information to the public.

Public - Private Partnership Policy - Planning Department (Government of Rajasthan) (2008)
This document provides details of the Rajasthan Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Policy, which seeks to provide a fair and transparent framework to help facilitate the process and encourage Public-Private Partnership in upgrading, expanding, and developing of infrastructure in the State of Rajasthan. Posted on 11 Oct, 2010 04:11 PM

The objectives of this policy are to:

Rajasthan urban housing and habitat policy and guidelines for action plan - Urban Development and Housing Department (Government of Rajasthan) (2006)
A document that highlights the details of the steps to be undertaken to meet the aims of the Rajasthan Urban Housing & Habitat Policy (RUHHP-06) Posted on 11 Oct, 2010 04:06 PM

The  mission of the Rajasthan Urban Housing and Habitat Policy (RUHHP - 06) is:

  • To provide shelter to all the sections of the population
  • To ensure sustainable development of human settlements
  • To ensure a better quality of life for the population
  • To adopt a multisectoral approach and involve and use the potential of all levels of stakeholders.

The RUHHP-06 is broadly in consonance with latest National  Housing and Habitat Policy-2005 (Ist draft has been issued). The document goes on to highlight the present urban and  rural situation in Rajasthan, the increasing population density in the urban areas because of migration of people from rural to urban areas and the housing issues arising because of this increased density of population in urban areas.

The policy thus focuses on balanced development, promotion of in situ-urbanisation, vertical construction and the use of sustainable development models.

Gujarat integrated township policy - Gujarat Urban Development Company (Government of Gujarat) (2008)
A document designed for providing a framework for ensuring and promoting development of townships with high quality built in environments & services along with reliable infrastructure. Posted on 11 Oct, 2010 04:01 PM

The Gujarat integrated township policy by the Gujarat Urban Development Company (GUDC) (Government of Gujarat) has been designed towards promoting the development of townships with high quality built in environments and services with reliable infrastructure.  This has been done by the Gujarat government with the aim of attracting investments in knowledge based activities and businesses, especially IT based businesses, in a manner that directly benefits the youth of the state. The infrastructure is planned to be zero impact in terms of waste management and self sufficient in terms of facilities for education, health and other aspects of social welfare

It is proposed that the development of integrated townships be done through private, market initiatives. The Government’s role will be to support and facilitate the market operations and regulating it only to the extent required to realise public policy objectives. The proposed ‘Township Policy’ aims to provide a framework for ensuring that this happens in an efficient manner in predefined areas for township development.

Draft infrastructure policy - Infrastructure Development Department (Government of Orissa) (2001)
A policy document that outlines the draft infrastructure policy designed to promote development of the state of Orissa. Posted on 11 Oct, 2010 03:55 PM

This  policy document by the Government of Orissa outlines the draft infrastructure policy designed to promote development of the state of Orissa. The policy promotes private sector participation through provision of guidelines for private investments in infrastructure.

It encourages public private partnership, and provides a broader institutional and legal framework for implementation of projects through cross sectoral perspective.

National water policy - Ministry of Water Resources (2002)
This document by the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR), highlights the importance of water for human existence as well as for all economic and development related activities. It addresses the problem of scarcity of water and the need to conserve this resource through optimal, economical, sustainable and equitable means. It presents a review and update of the National Water Policy in 1987 by making some additions and suggestions. Posted on 11 Oct, 2010 03:25 PM


The document emphasises the need for periodic modifications in the water policy. This is  in terms of planning and management of water resources by taking into consideration the changes in economic, social, climatic, demographic situation of the country and the urgent need to conserve the available water resources.

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