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Maharashtra comes out with draft groundwater rules
Policy matters this week Posted on 05 Sep, 2018 06:26 AM

Maharashtra farmers to need approval to sow water-intensive crops 

A sugarcane farm (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
A miracle in Mahewa
Residents of one ward in Gorakhpur, UP, did a few things to reduce their vulnerability against climate change, which is causing crises in many areas. Posted on 08 Oct, 2014 09:14 PM

There is nothing special about Mahewa. It is a small ward in the town of Gorakhpur, far enough on the outskirts of the city, and it hasn't seem to have made up its mind on whether it is a city or a village. Part of it is in the form of 'bungalow colonies', part in the form of small farms. Small share-autos service the area.

The impact of the Waste Management Committee