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No scientific evidence linking Punjab farm fires to Delhi's pollution
Policy matters this fortnight Posted on 18 Jul, 2024 04:33 PM

No scientific evidence links Punjab farm fires to Delhi's pollution, says NGT member

Stubble burning (Image: Wikimedia Commons)
Accountability in pollution control: NGT's ruling in Varanasi
Policy matters this fortnight Posted on 16 Apr, 2024 08:43 PM

NGT penalises Chief Environmental Officer for Ganga pollution in Varanasi

Ganges river at Varanasi (Image: JM Suarez, Wikimedia Commons)
FAQ - Stubble burning in India: Causes, effects, and solutions
Decoding the problems and solutions related to stubble burning Posted on 01 Apr, 2024 08:48 AM

Every winter, in the bustling city of Delhi and its neighbouring areas, a thick layer of smog settles and the air there is heavy with pollution - the consequence of a widespread agricultural practice known as stubble burning.

Burning of rice residues after harvest, to quickly prepare the land for wheat planting, around Sangrur, Punjab (Image: 2011CIAT/NeilPalmer; CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED)
Ganga woes unveiled: NGT panel investigates polluted waters during Prayagraj's Magh Mela
Policy matters this fortnight Posted on 30 Jan, 2024 08:51 PM

NGT forms committee to address polluted water discharge in Ganga River at Prayagraj

There are significant environmental compliance issues at Prayagraj (Image: Ninara, CC BY 2.0 DEED)
Tamil Nadu may charge fees for commercial groundwater extraction: Upcoming revisions to State Water Policy
Policy matters this fortnight Posted on 15 Nov, 2023 09:19 AM

Tamil Nadu’s initiative to enhance water policy and management: Updates expected by January

Need to push for tough laws to restrict groundwater overextraction (Image: Rawpixel)
India's updated ESG reporting format and rules
Policy matters this fortnight Posted on 31 Jul, 2023 11:51 AM

India’s updated sustainability reporting format and rules for ESG ratings providers

India has rigorous environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosure norms (Image: WallpaperFlare)
How to save Punjab from floods?
The devastation caused by the torrential rains that pounded Punjab serves as yet another painful reminder of the cost associated with our hasty urban expansion and unplanned development. Posted on 29 Jul, 2023 12:18 PM

These days, Punjab is in the grip of floods. In more than 1,400 villages in 19 districts of Punjab, water from Sutlej, Beas, Ravi, and Ghaggar is causing heavy damage to crops, houses, people, and other belongings. The state government has evacuated more than 25,000 people to safer places to avoid the flood.

Green regulations and environmental warnings are often disregarded by our planners. (Image: Rawpixel, CC0)
ActionAid Association provides emergency relief to communities battered by floods in India
Heavy rains and flooding have ravaged parts of north India recently Posted on 21 Jul, 2023 09:35 AM

Northern India was battered by heavy rains over the past two weeks, with New Delhi marking its wettest day on July 9th, 2023, in more than 40 years, according to officials and local media.

ActionAid provides relief as the flood situation in north India wreaked havoc on the lives and livelihoods of people (Image: ActionAid Association)
Prepaid cards for power to save groundwater
Policy matters this fortnight Posted on 01 Apr, 2023 04:49 PM

House panel suggests prepaid cards for power to save groundwater

Over exploitation of groundwater is due to wide cultivation of water guzzler paddy and sugarcane crops (Image: Thamizhpparithi Maari, Wikimedia Commons)
PepsiCo India extends pilot initiative in Punjab to address stubble burning
The company’s Biochar Initiative continues to benefit local farmers while improving air and soil quality
Posted on 21 Mar, 2023 12:39 PM

PepsiCo India has extended its 

PepsiCo’s Biochar Program helping farmers manage stubble burning